With a deep love for Thunderbird Senior Living staff members and residents it is an easy transition for me. I have stayed in touch with many residents who still call me to help them figure out difficult situations. It is my pleasure to remain in contact with them and other staff members who remind of the good times we had together. I enjoyed and miss very much the team spirit of Thunderbird. When the dining staff was low, we would jump in and bus tables, serve drinks and serve food. When the caregiving staff was low, we would help take their residents to the hair salon, activities in independent living, etc. We would help out maintenance by setting up tables, chairs and with building maintenance projects. We helped out marketing by getting residents involved in projects like folding flyers, handing out calendars, and speaking with potential clients. We maintained good relationships with staff members so that they naturally wanted to be a part of what we were doing and actively joined activities with the residents. It was a happy place to work. I would go home exhausted but so filled with love and accomplishment.