Award winning teacher striving to excite young people to learn and grow, and challenge them to put their education into action! Experienced in working with diverse populations. Develops curriculum and learning activities to help students develop skills that support their growth, both academically and socially. Strives to integrate "real-world experiences" into learning activities to broaden students understanding of content. Sets goals suitable for diverse students, and that create opportunities for different types of learning. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Big picture focus with excellence in communicating goals and vision to succeed. Problem solver, networker and consensus builder.
Effectively and efficiently manage classroom procedures, integrate content knowledge into curriculum, design instruction (including learning activities, instructional materials and resources, instructional groups, lesson and unit structure,etc) that reflect current best practices, utilize assessment results to plan for individuals and groups of students.
Facilitated the implementation of the "Big Picture Schools" model, that intersected curriculum with community-based job shadows and internships, and personalized independent projects. Design standards-based curriculum in multiple content areas to middle school and 9th and 10th grade students in the program. Use of a broad range of instructional strategies to retain student interest and maximize individual learning within a group environment. Create assessments that allow students to demonstrate their understanding of content with regards to varied learning styles. Evaluation of student progress and teaming with other professionals and parents to best support individual student needs.
Assisted in long-term, large-scale vegetation monitoring studies for range management, communication with permitees, developed Wasatch-Cache GIS vegetation layers.
Assisted in collecting field samples and recording data for study on tamarisk growth on Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument
Planned and facilitated environmental education activities for children, ages 4-7