Experienced educational leader with more than 22 years of experience leveraging strong team leadership, visionary objectives, and organizational goals that provide student learning opportunities, drive forward progress, and student success.
Highly organized, detail-oriented leader skilled in directing high-performing teams to develop solutions and solve operational and technical problems. Success implementing systems across multiple operations with superior organizational and communication skills.
2023 Continued Progress: Secured $9,875,000 from Environmental Protection Agency: Clean School Bus Act and $2,000,000 from Massachusetts Clean Energy Center for the electrification of LPVEC's school bus fleet.
School bus electrification that aligns with state's initiatives focused on less pollution, more economic opportunities, and improved health.
Continued Progress: Expand LPVEC Career and Technical Education and Special Education Programming to include Advanced Manufacturing, Early Learning Center, and Twain Elementary Program.
Offer program diversity while supporting district educational program needs.
Continued Progress: Successful Disposition and Acquisition of Real Property including a vocational school campus and transportation garage sites.
The disposition of the vocational school campus translated to a reduction of capital costs; therefore, a reduction in tuition assessments. The acquisition of the transportation garage sites , allowed for additional growth of transportation services.
Continued Progress: Successful submission of LPVEC’s budget document to the Association of School Business Officials International for the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA), the Government Finance Officers Associations for the Distinguished Budget Award (DBA) and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (COA).
The awards recognize school districts for achieving excellence in school budgeting and fiscal management. LPVEC was one of the first districts in Massachusetts to obtain these awards and has received the awards since 2009.
2012 & 2013: Developed Chapter 74 Career Vocational Technical Education programs including Machine Technology and Early Education and Care Program, and Early Learning Center.
Offer program diversity while assisting students achieve their educational and career goals.
2016 - 2019: Led the reorganization of LPVEC’s Transportation Department. Successful disposition and acquisition of real property, consolidation of two garage sites, assumed transportation services for one of LPVEC’s member district, and incorporated minibuses for student transportation.
LPVEC member recognized a substantial decrease in their transportation assessments. The reorganization reduced the operating budget by $644,500 or 6.33% while maintaining quality services.