Highly motivated professional with a deep background in risk management and bank supervision.
· Analyze complex risk management and financial issues to counsel supervision teams on effective supervision and enforcement strategies, across community, regional and large bank portfolios.
· Evaluate complex mergers and acquisitions applications.
· Ability to draw on extensive supervisory experiences and apply knowledge of banking law, regulatory requirements and best practices.
· Collaborate with stakeholders across the Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors, state banking authorities and federal banking agencies.
· Chair of System Enforcement Best Practices Group and Co-Lead of Agriculture Risk Sub-Group.
· Led holding company inspections for highly leveraged, troubled and insolvent holding companies, and processed a majority of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“TARP”) redemption applications.
· Appointed lead roles on community bank examinations, which included complex, new member and problem bank examinations, during the Great Financial Crisis.
· Participated in loan reviews for Shared National Credit ($100 million syndicated credits) examinations.
Christina Bishop Award - January 2012
People First Award - November 2022
People First Award - November 2024
Commissioned Bank Examiner - Safety and Soundness
Commissioned Bank Examiner - Safety and Soundness