Work History
Augustine CHII NGEK

Augustine CHII NGEK



I excel at tackling new areas of work, absorbing information in a considerable manner and putting them to good, appropriate, innovative and sustainable use. Very technically minded I enjoy using technology to solve complex problems in simple ways and equally engaging students to help them realize their own value and worth. Being both team-player and self-motivated, I like teamwork and strive to always lift students' projects and classmates in to a new level, be it through process or end-results. I enjoy helping students succeed in life and make them understand that although they may encounter difficulties in life does not mean they cannot succeed again. To achieve all mentioned above I have done many other areas of studies like in Election Management, computer essentials and computer Networking, Prospero Teaching accredited online CPD course: Level 1 Safeguarding Qualification, Teaching in Great Britain.


years of professional experience

Work History

classroom Teacher and Head of Physics Department

Government Bilingual Practising High School Yaounde
Yaounde, Cameroon
09.2008 - Current
  • Teaches Physics and or sciences from Grades 6-7 to lay a solid foundation for the study of sciences
  • Teaches Physics from Grades 9-12
  • Prepares Grade 10 for General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O/L) in physics
  • Conducts Physics practicals in the Grade 11
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics practicals
  • As a Head of Physics Department, I worked with the school authorities for the upkeep of the department in:
  • Supervising and training student teachers on internship at Government Bilingual Practising High School Yaounde from the Advanced School of Education of the University of Yaounde I
  • Supervising the teachers' lessons notes and plans
  • Compiling statistics of the physics department to be forwarded to the school administration
  • Holding meetings with teachers and or students to find out to identify and seek solutions to problems concerning the learning teaching process
  • Organising meetings with national and regional pedagogic inspectors in charge of Physics who oversee physics syllabus implementation
  • Monitoring of work progression of colleagues of the department
  • Since appointment as head of department of the school, success rate increased from below 50 % to above 75 % at the GCE O/L and 70% for the GCE A/L with series of A grades every official end-of-year examinations
  • The number of students offering sciences has also increased with the girl child coming into sciences with ease

Classroom Teacher and Head of Physics Department

Holy Infant High School ( HIHS) Melen Yaounde
Yaounde, Cameroon
09.2007 - Current
  • Teaches Physics from Grades 9-12
  • Prepares Grade 10 for General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O/L) in physics
  • Conducts Physics practicals in the Grade 11
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics practicals
  • As a Head of Physics Department, I worked with the school authorities for the upkeep of the department in:
  • Supervising the teachers' lessons notes and plans
  • Compiling statistics of the physics department to be forwarded to the school administration
  • Holding meetings with teachers and or students to find out issues concerning the learning teaching process
  • Organising meetings with national and regional pedagogic inspectors in charge of Physics who oversee physics syllabus implementation
  • Monitoring of work progression of colleagues of the department
  • Since appointment as head of department of the school, success rate increased from below 50 % to above 90% at GCE O/L and 85% for the GCE A/L with series of A grades every official end-of-year examinations
  • Received the Best ALL Round Subject during the 2017/2018 Academic Year where we recorded 98 % pass at the GCE O/L Physics

Domestic election observer as part timer

Transparency International Cameroon chapter
, Cameroon
10.2004 - 10.2011
  • Paid visits to civil administration, political party headquarters, election administration
  • Observed campaigns of contesting political parties and candidates
  • Observed election Day proper including opening of polls, voting proper, counting and declaration of results
  • Observed aggregation of results at ELECAM office
  • Subsequently reported the conduct of the elections to the Divisional election observer(EO) Team Leader
  • Also worked with the Divisional Team EO Leader to prepare a report that was sent to the Regional Coordinator for onward transmission to the National Coordination of the Elections Observation Mission

Classroom Teacher, Head of Department of Physics and Chemistry

St. Mark's English High School, Mbadoumou
Yaounde, Cameroon
09.1999 - 09.2005
  • Taught Physics and chemistry from Grades 6-12
  • Prepares Grade 10 for General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O/L) in physics and chemistry
  • Conducts Physics and chemistry practicals in the Grade 11
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics and Chemistry
  • Prepares Grades 12 for General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A/L) in Physics and chemistry practicals
  • As a Head of Physics Department, I worked with the school authorities for the upkeep of the departments of physics and chemistry in:
  • Supervising the teachers' lessons notes and plans for the sciences in Grades 6-8, physics and chemistry for Grades 9-12
  • Compiling statistics of the physics and chemistry department to be forwarded to the school administration
  • Holding meetings with teachers and or students to find out ways and means of improving on the learning teaching process
  • Organising meetings with national and regional pedagogic inspectors in charge of sciences, Physics and chemistry who oversee syllabus implementation and coverage
  • Monitoring of work progression of colleagues of the department
  • Since appointment as head of department of the school, success rate increased from below 50 % to above 90% at GCE O/L and 70% for the GCE A/L with series of A grades every official end-of-year examinations


Master's degree -

University of Yaounde I

High School Teachers’ Postgraduate Diploma 2nd Level (DIPES II) - Physics

Advanced School of Education (Ecole Normale Superieure) University of Yaoundé I

Undergraduate degree - BSc( Physics)

University of Dschang, Cameroon

Secondary School Teachers’ Diploma 1st Level (DIPES I) - Physics (Merit)

Advanced School of Education (Ecole Normale Superieure) Bambili

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level - Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics

Government High School (G.H.S.), Nkambe

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Levels - English, Mathematics, Economics, History, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, French, Additional Mathematics, Geography

Christ Memorial College (C.M.C) Elak-Oku, North West Region
Elak-Oku, North West Region


  • Positive role model and mentor
  • Lesson planning
  • Quizzes, tests, and exams
  • Curriculum development
  • Feedback implementation
  • Student rapport


classroom Teacher and Head of Physics Department

Government Bilingual Practising High School Yaounde
09.2008 - Current

Classroom Teacher and Head of Physics Department

Holy Infant High School ( HIHS) Melen Yaounde
09.2007 - Current

Domestic election observer as part timer

Transparency International Cameroon chapter
10.2004 - 10.2011

Classroom Teacher, Head of Department of Physics and Chemistry

St. Mark's English High School, Mbadoumou
09.1999 - 09.2005

Master's degree -

University of Yaounde I

High School Teachers’ Postgraduate Diploma 2nd Level (DIPES II) - Physics

Advanced School of Education (Ecole Normale Superieure) University of Yaoundé I

Undergraduate degree - BSc( Physics)

University of Dschang, Cameroon

Secondary School Teachers’ Diploma 1st Level (DIPES I) - Physics (Merit)

Advanced School of Education (Ecole Normale Superieure) Bambili

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level - Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics

Government High School (G.H.S.), Nkambe

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Levels - English, Mathematics, Economics, History, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, French, Additional Mathematics, Geography

Christ Memorial College (C.M.C) Elak-Oku, North West Region
Augustine CHII NGEK