Work History
Professional References

Barbara Mcclellan



Accomplished Fish and Wildlife Biologist with a proven track record in salmon population estimation and harvest strategies. Expert in developing harvest management plans and data collection, while demonstrating exceptional critical thinking and communication skills, reliable work ethic, and strong organizational skills. Excelled in leading team collaborations, ensuring data integrity, and committed to enhancement of fisheries management and conservation.


years of professional experience

Work History

Fish and Wildlife Biologist 3, Area Fish Biologist

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Montesano, WA
05.2005 - Current
  • Developed and maintained analytical models and spreadsheets using statistical techniques to estimate pre-season and in-season salmon (Chinook, Coho, and Chum) runsizes, run-reconstructions, and harvest estimates
  • Developed pre-and post-season estimates of run size and harvest rates
  • Summarized, assessed, and interpreted data and information to devise harvest strategies
  • Developed salmon plans by species, stock, and fishery
  • Provided technical analyses of current and historical data to support agency policy representatives during state-tribal negotiations (North of Falcon, NOF, Pacific Fishery Mgmt Council, PFMC) for fishery management decisions and for the public
  • Worked with non-treaty commercial and recreational fishers to develop harvest management plans in both Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor basins
  • Worked closely with WDFW Intergovernmental Unit, Regional Fish Program Manager, Policy leads and enforcement to resolve technical and policy issues through NOF and PFMC
  • Developed permanent regulation proposals through the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and Rule Making process and filed documents (WAC’s, WA Administrative Code) through the WDFW’s Rules Coordinator and State of WA Office of the Code Reviser for marine recreational and commercial fisheries
  • Reviewed annual agency regulatory pamphlet and WACs and maintained informational website pages for Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor marine commercial and recreational fisheries
  • Responsible for developing, planning, monitoring, and sampling of the marine commercial and recreational fisheries in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor
  • Conducted annual hiring process to fulfill staffing needs within Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor basins
  • Trained, supervised, and provided training and leadership to 18 permanent and temporary staff and provided necessary equipment for all staff in the district
  • Responded to requests from constituents via email or phone, participated with Willapa Bay Salmon Advisory Group, participated in Public Disclosure Requests and/or litigation, and maintained working relationships with commercial and recreational fishers as well as state, local federal government officials and worked collaboratively with tribal fishery co-managers to negotiate terminal area salmon and steelhead forecasts and harvest allocations
  • Lead annual evaluations of one Fish and Wildlife Biologist 2 and seven career seasonal Sci Tech 2s, assisted in developing, managing, and reviewing regional/district budgets for district programs within the basin

Fish and Wildlife Biologist 4 (Acting), District Biologist

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Montesano, WA
03.2018 - 01.2019
  • Supervised and coordinated all aspects of fish management activities within the Willapa Bay basin to achieve conservation and management objectives detailed in the Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy C-3622 and other applicable policies
  • Worked directly with the Regional Fish Program Manager (RFPM) and the Willapa Bay/Grays Harbor Fishery Policy Lead to implement the Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy, other WDFW policies as well as fishery regulations and in-season evaluation within the basin
  • Provided technical support in developing and maintaining harvest, conservation, and management tools
  • Analyzed, interpreted, and reported in-season and post-season commercial and recreational catch and effort data, interpreted historical data, and evaluated catch and effort projection models by using salmon pre-season forecasts, spawner escapement, and hatchery rack data
  • Discussed options and provided recommendations to upper management regarding commercial and recreational fisheries within Willapa Bay designed to meet conservation needs, biological principles, agency policies, and improved management practices
  • Represented WDFW at public and/or professional meetings including North of Falcon salmon season-setting process, Pacific Fishery Management Council, and regulation hearings
  • Responded to public requests both in written and verbal forms concerning all aspects of Willapa Bay issues, particularly salmon, steelhead, and trout
  • Developed recruitment announcements, interviewed, and evaluated position candidates
  • Supervised fish management staff within the Willapa Bay basin
  • Directed, planned, trained, and supervised the work performed by staff to ensure an appropriate and safe working environment
  • Reviewed Hatchery Scientific Review Group (HSRG) process, Future brood document (FBD), Willapa Bay Policy, Scientific Collection Permits (SCP), and Fish WA app
  • Managed regional/district budgets for the program

Harvest Management Fisheries Biologist 2

Quinault Indian Nation
Taholah, WA
12.2000 - 05.2005
  • Worked with Tribal nation, state co-managers (WDFW), and Pacific agencies on salmon and steelhead management through PFMC and NOF
  • Monitored and evaluated the performance of fisheries resources and the strength of fish runs on coastal Washington Rivers (Quinault, Queets, Chehalis, and Humptulips rivers and tributaries) during formal negotiation sessions through NOF and PFMC
  • Collected, verified, and analyzed catch sampling and coded wire tagged data from commercial fisheries within Quinault, Queets, and Grays Harbor systems
  • Developed pre-and post-season estimates of run size and harvest rates
  • Prepared and set treaty fishing seasons and regulations of fisheries within the tribal Usual and Accustomed areas
  • Discussed options and provided recommendations on how to allocate catch between different user groups


Bachelor of Science - Biology

Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA

Master of Science - Fisheries Biology

Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA


  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong Time Management
  • Consistent Professional Commitment
  • Critical thinking
  • Experienced in Data Organization
  • Detail-Oriented Approach
  • Self-Motivated Professional
  • Effective Team Collaborator
  • Effective Communication
  • Efficient writing skills
  • Committed to Data Integrity
  • MS Office
  • iForm
  • Marine biology
  • Endangered species conservation


Washington Association of Fish and Wildlife Professionals, Secretary, 02/01/22-current

Professional References

  • Marlene Wagner, Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor Policy Lead, WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife,, #360-490-5598
  • Ron Warren, Retired WDFW Director of Fish Policy,, #360-292-9750


Fish and Wildlife Biologist 4 (Acting), District Biologist

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
03.2018 - 01.2019

Fish and Wildlife Biologist 3, Area Fish Biologist

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
05.2005 - Current

Harvest Management Fisheries Biologist 2

Quinault Indian Nation
12.2000 - 05.2005

Bachelor of Science - Biology

Old Dominion University

Master of Science - Fisheries Biology

Old Dominion University
Barbara Mcclellan