Maquina De Lava Louça
Restauracja McDonald's
12.2024 - Current
- Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
- Worked effectively in fast-paced environments.
- Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
- Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
- Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.
- Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement.
- Managed time efficiently in order to complete all tasks within deadlines.
- Organized and detail-oriented with a strong work ethic.
- Paid attention to detail while completing assignments.
- Strengthened communication skills through regular interactions with others.
- Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently.
- Proved successful working within tight deadlines and a fast-paced environment.
- Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.