Hi, I am Brandon Hurst. I have multiple passions and almost all of them correlate with design. I love creating new ideas, incorporating them into merchandise for a range of consumers to enjoy for themselves! I have history in creating clothing to sell and all of my customers love their products! I know I will be perfect as a merchandise design intern for the Lexington Counterclocks because I have experience in creating and selling clothing, I am well studied and ahead of fashion trends so we can debut new designs and get people to desire all of the Counterclocks merchandise produced. I have visions of potentially turning Counterclocks merchandise into a highly sought after product, such as the Kentucky Thoroughbreds merchandise if possible. I have also been a fan of the team since I was little and shouting "Go Lexington Legends!" I have been a sports and fashion enthusiast since I was little and would love to share my knowledge and potential with the Counterclocks and your brand as a whole!