I am a hard worker this is focused on doing things the correct way the first time. I work fast yet efficiently and have a great work history. National Career Readiness Certified (NCRC).
Set up concrete projects, set grade, height for forms and layout of concrete job. Used skidsteer to set rock grade for concrete slabs, form up piers, fix block, finish and cut concrete. Used mini excavator and payloader.
Finished concrete, operated skid loader, scissor lifts and fork trucks. Used hand signals and radio to communicate to crane operators. Welded steel rebar to I-beams, cut angle iron to size, drilled holes for placement and hung to walls using hammer drill. Helped hang doors and put frames into place, laid block to build buildings and walls, tended block layers. Used torch to cut and remove rebar and used several hand tools to put new equipment together.
Worked on alpaca farm, loaded and unloaded train cars with potash and bean oil, used track mobile to place cars where needed and did several construction projects.
Worked in the field, operated tractors, grain trucks and skid loaders, was a grounds keeper such as mowing, snow removal, splitting and cutting wood and any construction projects.
Put up sheet rock, remodeled basements, built decks for houses, remodeled landscaping with skid loader and resurfaced chimneys by tuck pointing them.
Laid block/brick, formed concrete slabs, filled concrete forms with skid loader, poured and finished concrete, rough carpentry and built scaffold.
MIG welded on small table jig, eventually moved on to bigger things such as; boat docks, car trailers, gravity boxes and wagon tongues also operated fork lifts.