Seeking to empower nursing staff in sharpening clinical skills in order to provide excellent patient care. Assist in creating a culture of growth and excellence. Desire to build trust with nursing staff so that educational and professional needs can be vocalized and met. Strategize the most effective methods for enhancing clinical performance.
5N Education Council Representative: Timekeeper (2018-2020)
Description: Record Education Council meeting minutes
Project to Improve Pain Reassessment Rates
Description: Provide education to bedside nurses on importance of initial pain assessment and reassessment. Audit charts before and after implementation of education to determine effectiveness. Collaborate with nursing informatics and other team members to implement project.
Clinical Coach
Description: Precept newly hired nurses to 5N over the course of six to eight weeks. Give feedback on areas of opportunity and encouragement on strengths and successes.
Above and Beyond Award
Description: Patient nominated award for providing care that went “above and beyond.”