Work History
Hi, I’m

Bridget Boylan

Non-Profit Professional & Educator
Bridget Boylan


Seasoned Educator and Nonprofit Professional adept at project management and social-emotional learning frameworks. Skilled writer and Account Manager with thoughtful understanding of advocacy and social justice issues. Focused on impactful educational initiatives and systemic change.


years of professional experience

Work History

One Love Foundation
New York City, NY

Engagement Manager
06.2022 - Current

Job overview

  • Create and support relationships with 500+ educators, administrators, and community members by providing technical guidance and support with implementing One Love’s prevention curricula
  • Partnered with a third-party expert to lead a six-month organization-wide audit to identify strengths, opportunities, and recommendations with the goal of improving One Love's belonging, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and ESG footprint
  • Strategically created partnerships that expanded One Love’s educational reach to youth in the following priority communities; BIPOC, disabled, LGBT+, incarcerated, homeless, foster care, immigrant, and/or low income. Including New Jersey's Department of Education, New Jersey's Department of Youth and Community Development, and more
  • Design tailored content and training materials (for both in-person and online learning), that reflect a wide range of identities and provide conversation starters around taboo topics like deconstructing racism and discrimination and facilitating inclusive workshops for various institutions
  • Provide monthly presentations, deliverables, and updates around project budget, data analysis, metrics, and obstacles to key stakeholders including board members and senior leadership
  • Develop, implement, and analyze evaluation methods, including surveys, focus groups, and reporting tools, to provide regional insight around the effectiveness of
    One Love’s programming within 125 institutions
  • Plan and execute small and large-scale community engagement activities including workshops, trainings, presentations, awareness events, and professional conferences with over 20,000 people in the Tri-State region

South Bronx Community Charter Highschool
, NY

ENL Teacher and Student Advisor
10.2021 - Current

Job overview

  • Responsible for lesson differentiation, scaffolding, 1-1 and small group instruction, Co Facilitation in Global History, ELA, AP Language, Principles of Democracy, and Afro-LatinX History.
  • Established NYSESLAT preparation courses to guide students from Entering to Commanding.
  • Advised group of 12 students, developing close relationships with them and their families to support them holistically, academically, and social-emotionally, helped guide them through college admissions process and ensured their enrollment in a school or post grad program of their choosing.
  • Educated students in basics of English grammar and conversational speaking
  • Developed activities and integrated technology to diversify instruction
  • Encouraged students to deepen knowledge with additional learning opportunities

South Bronx Community Charter Highschool
The Bronx, NY

ENL Coordinator
08.2021 - Current

Job overview

  • Managed team of 6 ENL teachers to provide best practices and curriculum support for grades 9-12 across all subject areas.
  • Led school wide improvement cycles and Professional Development for ENL support to provide teachers to prioritize equity and inclusion resources for ENL students.
  • Facilitated weekly meetings with inclusion team to review data in order to remediate practices and perform student interventions when necessary.
  • Designed curriculum for stand alone foundational skills from ground up to help older ENL students with language acquisition, reading, writing, and comprehension for all proficiency levels.
  • Maintained organized data and records to ensure compliance to Department of Education and State of NY.
  • Spearheaded collaborative initiative with Charter School Consortium to provide school wide support for staff and students.

Achieve Now
Philadelphia, PA

Reading Specialist
08.2017 - 01.2019

Job overview

  • Managed 4 school wide phonics based Foundational Skills programs.
  • Coached and advised educators who implement Achieve Now foundational skills program to facilitate delivery of highest leverage practices to students.
  • Managed professional development meetings for educators.
  • Facilitated and directed training sessions for our corporate tutors.
  • Planned intervention strategies for struggling students based on data found from our programming.
  • Built positive and productive relationships with teachers to drive improvements to reading programs

Achieve Now
Philadelphia, PA

Account Manager

Job overview

  • Served as the Account Manager for Achieve Now at CHUBB International Insurance Group in Philadelphia.
  • Manage and monitor program data from week to week.
  • Increased student outcomes by working closely with reading specialists to develop highest leverage practices
  • Work closely with reading specialists to identify struggling students and create subsequent interventionist plans/strategies.
  • Facilitated change management activities for department and staff of 20 individuals
  • Manage budget, annual giving, and fundraising for our Partnership

Philadelphia Arts and Education Partnership
Philadelphia, PA

Poetry Teacher
10.2017 - 01.2019

Job overview

  • Taught weekly poetry workshops to groups of 20 children to focus on content creation and critical thinking skills.
  • Helped developed student confidence in performing skills, public speaking, and creativity.
  • Facilitated two program wide shows in order to showcase student work and performances with publication of student work.
  • Attended professional development seminars for teaching artists.

Chester Community Charter School

Literacy Coach
10.2016 - 01.2018

Job overview

  • Conducted early literacy intervention in small groups from grades 3-6.
  • Worked closely with classroom teachers to monitor, track, and remediate progress.
  • Administered Fountas and Pinnell Testing and also trained other employees to administer F & P tests.
  • Led sight word teaching strategies with groups of students to build confidence in reading.

Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

SEO Strategist
08.2013 - 08.2016

Job overview

  • Wrote and edited high-quality content and visually impactful programs under deadline pressure with exciting, captivating, and authentic approach.
  • Monitored competitor content to identify areas for improvement in client campaigns.
  • Crafted SEO-friendly content for websites and blog posts to increase organic traffic.
  • Performed keyword research to optimize content for SEO.
  • Developed content for variety of topics, ranging from technical to lifestyle, for multiple websites.
  • Developed and deployed content marketing strategies to improve organic search traffic.
  • Crafted and implemented strategies to increase search visibility and website traffic.


Temple University
Philadelphia, PA

Bachelor of Arts from English with a Creative Writing, Philosophy Minor

University Overview

Villanova University
Villanova, PA

Certificate To Teach English As A Second Language from Certification - Teach English As A Second Language

University Overview


  • Data Analysis
  • Google Analytics
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Learning
  • Academic Intervention Planning
  • Relationship Building
  • Client Relationship Management
  • CRM Software (SalesForce)
  • ESL, IEP Understanding
  • Public Speaking
  • Culturally Responsive Learning
  • Curriculum Design
  • Content Strategy
  • Brand Development
  • Project Management
  • Human-AI Collaboration, AI Interpretation & Analysis, Feedback Loop Creation for AI, AI Driven Powered Problem Solving, Strategic AI Utilization


Engagement Manager
One Love Foundation
06.2022 - Current
ENL Teacher and Student Advisor
South Bronx Community Charter Highschool
10.2021 - Current
ENL Coordinator
South Bronx Community Charter Highschool
08.2021 - Current
Poetry Teacher
Philadelphia Arts and Education Partnership
10.2017 - 01.2019
Reading Specialist
Achieve Now
08.2017 - 01.2019
Literacy Coach
Chester Community Charter School
10.2016 - 01.2018
SEO Strategist
08.2013 - 08.2016
Temple University
Bachelor of Arts from English with a Creative Writing, Philosophy Minor
Villanova University
Certificate To Teach English As A Second Language from Certification - Teach English As A Second Language
Account Manager
Achieve Now
Bridget BoylanNon-Profit Professional & Educator