As a successful entrepreneur and aesthetics instructor at Ogle School, I am an expert in coaching and mentoring and have an established record of improving client and student outcomes. By applying my knowledge of complex problem-solving and skincare procedures, I've greatly increased curriculum efficiency and client satisfaction. By entering the field of psychology , I hope to expand my professional experience and apply my problem-solving skills. As a junior in my bachelor's program in psychology, behaviorism and social learning theories are of interest to me. Additionally, I want to improve my comprehension of human behavior and my ability to approach difficulties methodically and effectively.
• Measure progress of objectives and goals by utilizing data tracking systems.
• Work closely with BCBAs and assist in collaborating on activities to individualize the needs of the child.
• Work closely with family members and outside providers to enhance maintenance and generalization of skills.
• Participate in trainings to strengthen and continue professional growth.
• Document session notes and submits billing in a timely manner.
• Maintain clear lines of communication with the BCBA, program manager,family, and support staff