Work History
Bronwyn Schnitzler

Bronwyn Schnitzler



With a proven track record at the State of Connecticut, I excel in leading teams towards enhancing public safety and rehabilitation outcomes. Expert in cognitive behavioral training and case management, my innovative solutions and effective leadership have consistently improved team performance and probationer rehabilitation, showcasing a commitment to excellence in the criminal justice field.


years of professional experience

Work History

Chief Probation Officer

State of Connecticut
Danbury, CT
06.2022 - Current
  • Evaluated performance of subordinate staff members through regular meetings and feedback sessions.
  • Collaborated with other criminal justice professionals on initiatives designed to improve public safety outcomes.
  • Maintained records for all cases handled by the department, including pre-sentence investigations, court reports, discharge summaries and other documents.
  • Reviewed case files regularly to ensure accuracy of information contained therein.
  • Facilitated communication between various departments within the agency as well as external organizations.
  • Participated in multidisciplinary teams to discuss complex cases and determine appropriate actions.
  • Participated in community outreach activities aimed at educating citizens about the purpose of probation services.
  • Attended meetings with stakeholders such as prosecutors, defense attorneys and victims' representatives regarding individual cases.
  • Trained new probation officers on department policies, procedures, and best practices.
  • Reviewed legal documents, including pre-sentence reports, to ensure comprehensive understanding of each case.
  • Established partnerships with social service providers to provide additional resources for offenders under supervision.
  • Supervised a team of probation officers ensuring their compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards.
  • Represented the department in court proceedings related to offender violations or appeals.
  • Worked effectively in team environments to make the workplace more productive.
  • Recognized by management for providing exceptional mentorship within the agency.

Adult Probation Officer

State of Connecticut
Stamford And Danbury, CT
09.2005 - 07.2022
  • Managed full-cycle caseloads, including pretrial, pre-sentence and client supervision.
  • Reviewed legal documents, including pre-sentence reports, to ensure comprehensive understanding of each case.
  • Acted as a liaison between probationers, their families, and community resources to encourage a supportive network.
  • Developed professional relationships with offenders through home, school, detention, and community visits.
  • Implemented electronic monitoring systems, including GPS and alcohol monitoring devices, to track probationer compliance.
  • Provided crisis intervention services as needed to address immediate probationer issues.
  • Assisted probationers in understanding legal obligations and consequences of non-compliance.
  • Prepared detailed reports on probationer progress and compliance for court reviews and hearings.
  • Worked in collaboration with offenders to fully participate in rehabilitation planning.
  • Administered regular drug and alcohol tests and completed DNA indexing for felony offenders.
  • Utilized conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques to manage confrontations with probationers.
  • Counseled individuals who have been released from incarceration on how best to reintegrate into society.
  • Offered transitional services for program offenders and referral to appropriate community agencies and organizations.
  • Assisted in preparing cases for court hearings by gathering evidence, writing reports, and testifying when necessary.
  • Coordinated phases of offender prison release process.
  • Monitored offenders' activities regarding fulfillment of court ordered requirements.
  • Enforced restrictions placed on sex offenders by monitoring activities within designated boundaries.
  • Maintained positive relationships with offenders and family members through weekly visits.
  • Attended conferences or workshops related to adult probation topics in order to stay up-to-date on current trends.
  • Executed pre-sentence investigations.
  • Implemented sanctions for violations of probation terms according to established policies and procedures.
  • Assisted with case completion by conducting office, home and employment visits to ensure adherence to legal requirements.
  • Arrested and transported probationers and parolees in violation to ensure compliance with court protocol.
  • Provided guidance and support to probationers in areas such as employment opportunities and educational goals.
  • Administered drug tests and arranged for additional treatment when necessary.
  • Maintained accurate and confidential records of probationer activities and progress.
  • Conducted initial interviews with probationers to assess risk levels and establish supervision plans.
  • Developed individualized rehabilitation plans based on probationer needs and risks.
  • Engaged probationers in educational and employment resources to promote reintegration into society.
  • Monitored compliance with court-ordered conditions such as attending counseling, submitting to drug tests, or completing community service hours.
  • Participated in regular meetings with supervisors to discuss caseloads and strategies for handling challenging situations.
  • Monitored compliance with court-ordered conditions of probation, including substance abuse treatment and community service.
  • Trained new probation officers on department policies, procedures, and best practices.
  • Maintained detailed records of all contacts with probationers including progress reports, evaluations, and other documents related to their cases.

IAR Specialist-Pretrial

State of Connecticut
Stamford, CT
02.2004 - 09.2005
  • Reviewed case files for accuracy and completeness prior to trial.
  • Facilitated communication between courts, defense attorneys, prosecutors and other stakeholders involved in criminal proceedings.
  • Obtained information from law enforcement agencies, victims, witnesses, family members, employers, and other sources as necessary.
  • Prepared reports regarding defendant's compliance with court orders and recommendations for further action.
  • Delivered bail recommendations to court to assist with case outcomes.
  • Conducted investigations to assess the backgrounds of defendants and their likelihood of appearing in court.
  • Referred offenders to appropriate community agencies to complete services in compliance with court orders.
  • Interviewed defendants to evaluate risk factors related to pretrial release decisions.
  • Recommended probation conditions to court, including drug treatment, vocational rehabilitation and mental health programs.
  • Monitored released defendants on bond ensuring they adhered to all conditions of release.


Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice

Pace University
Pleasantville, NY


  • Effective leadership
  • Cognitive behavioral training
  • Court report documentation
  • Electronic monitoring
  • Risk and needs assessments
  • Presentence investigation reports (PSI)
  • Case management


  • pickleball
  • time with my family
  • reading


  • Mentoring award
  • Community service award


Chief Probation Officer

State of Connecticut
06.2022 - Current

Adult Probation Officer

State of Connecticut
09.2005 - 07.2022

IAR Specialist-Pretrial

State of Connecticut
02.2004 - 09.2005

Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice

Pace University
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