Accomplishment 1
Problem: My customer service position was not firmly established when I was hired. Confusion about my exact duties was evident.
My Solution: I knew that the company had issues with work duties and personnel. I proposed that I alone take on the work of reviews and product questions. This solved their problem and I created a new role for myself which I am successful at doing.
Accomplishment 2
Problem: There was a need for help in teaching people to reach their goals in a faster and more efficient manner. Wanted a budget friendly solution but could not find it.
My Solution: I took it upon myself to research and develop a quick training method that helped people in reaching their goals. This method has been used successfully. I continued to refine and develop it.
Accomplishment 3
Problem: My department did not know the best way to analyze what was wrong with how they managed time for projects and how they would be best carried out.
My Solution: Created a SWOT analysis for our department to operate at better efficiency. I also created the follow up procedures to make sure we stayed on task for what had to be done. This resulted in time being saved which was then diverted to other projects,