Results-driven and accomplished executive with extensive experience in strategic leadership and operational excellence; adept in performance recovery, building trust and relationships, and valued as a collaborative and progressive leader.
Responsible for the budget, decision-making and day-to-day operation of two nuclear reactors and 700 employees.
- Achieved 9th Consecutive WANO Exemplary Rating
- Achieved highest ranking BWR performance in US nuclear industry
- Achieved first-ever INPO 100 metrics in Dresden history for both units
- Achieved industry TIP award for eliminating online diving inspections
- Re-staffed 40% of our total workforce over two years, post-shutdown reversal announcement
Held positions as Work Management Director, Director of Organizational Performance & Regulatory, Outage Manager, Senior License Holder, SRO, various management roles in Operations, Qualified Nuclear Engineer.
- Recovered Work Management performance from bottom of the fleet to top of the fleet/industry
- Recovered station performance following shutdown-reversal
- First female, licensed SRO at Clinton Power Station
- Licensed Senior Reactor Operator
- Leading Women Executives (LWE) graduate
- Member of the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce Board
- Member of the Purdue University Nuclear Engineering Advisory Board
- Program mentor for Nuclear Energy Agency Girls in STEM (Futaba Japan)