Talented Business Executive who brings high-level Business, Partnership and Sales acumen. Drives competitive growth through proactive relationship building and pursuit of business opportunities. Savvy to industry trends, practices and customer demands. Through combining Law Enforcement skills, exceptional at making critical decisions during challenging situations. Dynamic and motivated professional. Foundation built on Servant Leadership and Integrity. Detail-oriented team player with strong organizational skills. Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy.
Safewood Designs has a clear mission: Enhance the safety and security in all places you live, work, worship, and play. Manufacturer of bullet resistant and forced entry resistant products. Product line includes bullet resistant fiberglass wall panels, transaction windows, doors, glass, windows, furniture, shields, shutters and more.
The Synagogue Security Council of North America is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to making synagogues and Jewish institutions safer by providing lifesaving skills, information and technology to community members, helping to cultivate cost-free, capable and effective first responders within every minyan.
We do this by providing standardized technology systems, training and certification programs to committed community volunteers, giving them the necessary tools and skills to help prevent or respond to a targeted attack.
Provided Business Brokering and Consulting.
Specialized in the following:
Titles Included: Corrections Deputy, Corrections Supervisor, Patrol Deputy, Swat Operator, and Detective.
Duties included: Homicide Investigations, Fraud Investigations, Interview and Interrogation, Linguistic Interviewing and Statement Analysis, Non-Confrontational Criminal Interview and Interrogation, Crime Scene Investigation, Sex Offender Registration and Sexual Assault Investigations, Crisis management, problem solving, Courtroom testimony and Undercover assignments.
Also worked with (CJIS) Criminal Justice Information Services, (LEIN) Law Enforcement Information Network, (CAD) Computer Aided Dispatch, (RMS) Records Management Systems, LexisNexis - Accurint.
Citation for Meritorious Service
On September 9, 2012, the Oakland County Sheriff’s SWAT team was dispatched to assist the West Bloomfield Township Police Department for a barricaded gunman where one of their officers had been shot and killed. Once on scene, SWAT members were deployed to their positions and during the 19 hour stand-off, took over 125 rounds of fire. The SWAT members responded courageously under gun fire and remained professional at all times during this high stress incident. In doing so, no other citizens or officers were injured. Your bravery this day did not go unnoticed and you deserve to be recognized for this award.
References upon request.