1. robust experience in multiple settings (inpatient, outpatient, partial care hospital), especially working with drug addiction and vulnerable populations such as homeless people
2. clinical trials and cell culture experience
3. strong record of first author publications
Psychiatrist responsible for Partial Care Unit (Addictions Department) and collaborator at Emergency Room and Drug Addictions Inpatient Unit
Psychiatrist at General Outpatient Unit
Psychiatric Emergency Room - walk in clinic
Responsible for Inpatient Unit and Emergency Room at the Center of Reference for Treatment of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs
Progress report preparation
2015 - 2019. PhD. Thesis: "12-weeks double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled essay to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Topiramate for the treatment of Compulsive Shopping", Advisor: Hermano Tavares, M.D., Ph.D
2013. Scholarship in Psychiatry at Yale University (offered by Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo) – CT, United States
2009. Dr. Ethel Thurston Scholarship Award Winner - VII World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life, Rome, Italy
2009 - 2010. Scholarship from PIBIT/CNPq to develop research at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - Study of fibroblasts proliferation in human serum
Permanent resident (Green Card)
Nicoli de Mattos C, Kim HS, Marasaldi, RF, Requião MG, Oliveirra ECB, Filomensky TZ, Hodgins DC, Tavares H. (2019). A 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of topiramate for the treatment of compulsive buying disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology. 2020 Mar/Apr;40(2):186-190
Oliveirra ECB, Fitzpatrick CL, Kim HS, Gulassa DCR, Amaral RS, Nicoli de Mattos C, Hayashiuchi AY, McGrath DS, Tavares H. (2019). Obsessive-compulsive or addiction? Categorical diagnostic analysis of excoriation disorder compared to obsessive-compulsive disorder and gambling disorder. Psychiatry Res. Nov;281:112518
Nicoli de Mattos C, S Kim H, Lacroix E, Requião M, Zambrano Filomensky T, Hodgins DC, Tavares H. (2018). The need to consume: Hoarding as a shared psychological feature of compulsive buying and binge eating. Compr Psychiatry. Aug;85:67-71
Nicoli de Mattos C, S Kim H, Zambrano Filomensky T, Tavares H. (2018). Development and validation of the compulsive-buying follow-up scale: A measure to assess treatment improvements in compulsive buying disorder. Psychiatry Res. Dec 31. pii: S0165-1781(18)32024-9
Nicoli de Mattos C, Kim HS, Requião MG, Marasaldi RF, Filomensky TZ, Hodgins DC, & Tavares H. (2016). Gender Differences in Compulsive Buying Disorder: Assessment of Demographic and Psychiatric Co-Morbidities. PloS one, 11(12), e0167365
Isaac, César, Nicoli de Mattos C, Rêgo, Francinni Mambrine Pires do, Cardim, Larissa Nocchi, Altran, Silvana Cereijido, Paggiaro, André Oliveira, Tutihashi, Rafael Mamoru Carneiro, Mathor, Mônica Beatriz, & Ferreira, Marcus Castro. (2011). Replacement of fetal calf serum by human serum as supplementation for human fibroblast culture. Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, 26(3), 379-384
Rego FMP, Cruz A de P da, Nicoli de Mattos C, Tutihashi RMC, Isaac C, Ferreira MC. (2009) Estudo comparativo de dois métodos para obtenção de células mesenquimais indiferenciadas de tecido adiposo. Rev Med (São Paulo). jan.-mar.;88(1):16-9
HIPAA for Research Staff
Human Subject Protection Training - Yale base training program
HIPAA Security Training
ACLS PROVIDER - American Heart Association