Highly motivated, quick learning HVAC service technician skilled in troubleshooting and repairing heating and cooling equipment. Actively seeking long-term employment for plumbing,pipefitting, and HVAC, while continuing to strengthen current skills and continue my education of the trade.
After work and on weekends I built a 2 story addition onto a existing pull barn that my family lived in for 2 years. I ran all the electrical and did all the plumbing, subfloors and framing of bedrooms and the bathroom for it. This February we purchased a home where we now reside.
My family enjoys offroading and fourwheeling at offroad parks and state trails. with this hobbie i have taught my two boys how to work on the family's jeeps and fourwheelers. We have rebuilt engines on multiple fourwheelers, installed suspension lift kits on jeeps, and fixed what we have broke, out on the trails. I enjoy working with my hands and problemsolving .