Driven engineering student with proven leadership and collaboration skills, demonstrated through key roles in Project Lead The Way and FIRST FTC Robotics Team 6371. Achieved significant project milestones in developing a methane sensor system for food spoilage detection and leading community service projects. Skilled in Computer Aided Design, circuitry, and programming.
I collaborated with three other engineering students in the Project Lead The Way, Engineering Design and Development course, where we spent the year creating a product to solve and everyday problem. The team and I developed a methane sensor system to detect food spoilage for your everyday left overs.
Collaborated with other members to conduct group communities service projects. As well as conducted my independent service projects each academic year, including collect books for a local library and art supplies for the LA Children's Hospital. Totaling 40 hours of community service.
My main objective was to assist the president in the over seeing of the six FIRST Tech Challenge robotics teams. As well as, organizing community and mentor outreach programs for the club.
I participated in the FIRST First Tech Challenge game for two years, one year as a member and the other as a Team Captain. It was my jobs to coordinate a team, felicitate work, and over see robotic progress.
Onshape - Computer Aided Design software
Onshape - Computer Aided Design software