Work History

Deborah Sinclair

Farmington Hills,USA


Dynamic educational leader with a proven track record at Detroit Public Schools Community District, excelling in data-driven instruction and building positive relationships. Spearheaded initiatives that significantly enhanced school culture and student achievement, including securing a $100,000 grant and leading a school to achieve typical growth goals for 75% of students in the first year. Experienced in instructional leadership and faculty development.


years of professional experience

Work History


Marquette Elementary Middle School
Detroit, MI
08.2016 - Current
  • Recruited, hired and trained primary and supplemental teaching staff.
  • Developed and implemented standards for student academic achievement aligned with district, state and local initiatives.
  • Monitored student academic performance data in order to identify trends or areas of need that require additional resources or support.
  • Assessed current teaching methods and techniques used by staff members in order to provide feedback on their effectiveness.
  • Determined allocations of funds for classroom supplies and materials, authorizing purchases.
  • Conferred with parents and staff to discuss educational activities, policies and student behavior or learning problems.
  • Cultivated strong relationships with parents, students and members of the community to ensure a safe learning environment.
  • Facilitated communication between teachers, administrators, families and other stakeholders in order to promote collaboration among all participants in the educational process.

Acting Principal

Marquette Elementary Middle School
Detroit, MI
04.2016 - 06.2016
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Organize teacher and student schedules to maximize instructional time
  • Supervise teachers and other school staff
  • Manage school budget
  • Manage implementation of district curriculum to maximize student achievement
  • Provided teachers with M-Step data to begin the new school year outlining 'Our Story'
  • Replaced ineffective program with CIS for an immediate climate impact
  • Re-worked the school budget to purchase two additional teachers and an iPad cart to supplement our 2 computer labs
  • Provided teachers a summer reading assignment, 'Teaching for Rigor'
  • Created 2016-2017 Opening Bulletin
  • Detroit Public Schools

Assistant Principal

Marquette Elementary Middle School
Detroit, MI
09.2015 - 03.2016
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Planned staff and student scheduling to support job-embedded professional development
  • Scheduled staff and students
  • Observed teaching performance for alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment
  • Created systems for the effective and efficient operation of both school buildings
  • Facilitated school improvement planning
  • Efficiently maintained the student information system to maximize FTE
  • Managed student and staff discipline
  • Conferenced with parents and students
  • Improved school culture and climate
  • Detroit Public Schools

Assistant Principal

Earhart Elementary Middle School
Detroit, MI
09.2013 - 06.2015
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Scheduled staff and students
  • Served as testing coordinator
  • Implemented a fire drill, emergency evacuation and lockdown plan for the building
  • Established procedures for the customer-friendly, orderly operation of the main office
  • Provided customer service training for clerical staff to improve school climate
  • Observed teaching performance for implementation of professional development and alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment
  • Facilitated school improvement planning
  • Detroit Public Schools

Mathematics Instructional Specialist

Earhart Elementary Middle School
Detroit, Michigan
09.2012 - 06.2013
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Lead the math department in raising student achievement
  • Served as testing coordinator for all state and district testing
  • Disaggregated test data for use by staff
  • Implemented the pilot on-line MEAP Social Studies test in 2012
  • Lead the implementation of MAP testing for grades 2 through 8
  • Lead professional development in drilling down MAP test results to lesson planning and delivery of instruction
  • Built capacity in teaching staff with demonstration lessons and encouraged reflection on delivery of instruction
  • Built positive relationships with staff based on trust
  • Observed teaching performance
  • Provided support and resources to teaching staff
  • Provided data and feedback about teacher's behaviors that lead to new behaviors
  • Attended district level Instructional Specialists and SIP meetings
  • Facilitated school improvement team meetings
  • Monitored instruction to ensure compliance with CCSS, district content and pacing
  • Mentored 10 students in grades 3 through 8
  • Detroit Public Schools

Assistant Principal

Southwestern High School
Detroit, Michigan
08.2010 - 06.2012
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Supervised the specialized student services department--no compliance cases during my tenure
  • Planned staff scheduling to support job-embedded professional development
  • Managed a school improvement plan that included strategies to address areas requiring improvement as identified by a comprehensive needs assessment
  • Coordinated focused professional development to build staff's capacity to continue and maintain student achievement growth
  • Monitored horizontal and vertical team's action plans and meetings to help maintain focus on identified improvement goals
  • Observed teaching performance for implementation of professional development and alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment
  • Initiated and implemented systems for the efficient overall operation of the school
  • Supervised food service, security, and custodial staff
  • Collaborated with state monitor to manage SIG grant
  • Detroit Public Schools

Assistant Principal

Bates K-8 Academy
Detroit, Michigan
09.2008 - 06.2010
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Facilitated a student scheduling system that allowed students to have twice the usual number of electives
  • Created a before and after school tutoring program wrapped around latchkey staffed by teachers
  • Created and implemented a fire drill, emergency evacuation and lock-down plan for the building
  • Efficiently maintained the Student Information System resulting in a 'no findings' State FTE audit
  • Served as testing coordinator for all state and district testing
  • Provided support and resources to teaching staff
  • Collaborated with staff and provided leadership that produced standardized test scores that were consistently above the 90th percentile
  • Established procedures for the customer-friendly, orderly operation of the main office
  • Provided customer service training for clerical staff to improve school climate
  • Built positive stakeholder relationships
  • Implemented a system to accomplish building repairs
  • Detroit Public Schools

Assistant Principal

Renaissance High School
Detroit, Michigan
09.2006 - 06.2008
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Established a dual-enrollment program with Wayne State University
  • Coordinated a blended learning program through Michigan Virtual High School
  • Facilitated a rotating student schedule that allowed students to take seven classes per semester
  • Monitored vertical curriculum alignment to insure maximum AP class placement
  • Secured a $100,000 Good Schools: Making the Grade Skillman Foundation grant
  • Managed the student information system
  • Scheduled students and teachers
  • Supervised ordering and purchasing of goods and services
  • Assisted with budget development and management
  • Supervised all building operations including repairs and maintenance
  • Detroit Public Schools

Mathematics Department Head

Heilmann Middle School
Detroit, Michigan
08.2003 - 06.2006
  • Company Overview: Detroit Public Schools
  • Provided curriculum and instruction assistance to teachers
  • Guided the mathematics and science departments in creating data-driven student interventions
  • Supervised maintenance of the student information system
  • Developed staff and student schedules
  • Created a system of checks and balances to maintain the student information system which resulted in a 'no-findings' state audit the year after a 100% audit
  • Streamlined the standardized testing process from a 6 person operation to a 2 person operation
  • Achieved AYP in our first year in a reconstituted school
  • Detroit Public Schools


Master of Arts - Educational Administration

University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, Michigan, USA

Master of Arts - Curriculum and Instruction

University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, Michigan, USA

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics

University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, Michigan, USA


  • Faculty training and development
  • Relationship building and networking
  • School culture
  • School safety and security
  • School data evaluation
  • Data-driven instruction
  • Instructional leadership
  • Interpersonal strengths


  • Professional Certification in Secondary Education, 7-12 Mathematics & Psychology, MI
  • Administrator Certification, Elementary and Secondary, K-12, MI


References available upon request.



Marquette Elementary Middle School
08.2016 - Current

Acting Principal

Marquette Elementary Middle School
04.2016 - 06.2016

Assistant Principal

Marquette Elementary Middle School
09.2015 - 03.2016

Assistant Principal

Earhart Elementary Middle School
09.2013 - 06.2015

Mathematics Instructional Specialist

Earhart Elementary Middle School
09.2012 - 06.2013

Assistant Principal

Southwestern High School
08.2010 - 06.2012

Assistant Principal

Bates K-8 Academy
09.2008 - 06.2010

Assistant Principal

Renaissance High School
09.2006 - 06.2008

Mathematics Department Head

Heilmann Middle School
08.2003 - 06.2006
  • Professional Certification in Secondary Education, 7-12 Mathematics & Psychology, MI
  • Administrator Certification, Elementary and Secondary, K-12, MI

Master of Arts - Educational Administration

University of Detroit Mercy

Master of Arts - Curriculum and Instruction

University of Detroit Mercy

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics

University of Detroit Mercy
Deborah Sinclair