Responsible and energetic Teacher with a fourteen year history of working in the special education adult community transition program as well as elementary structured learning classrooms. Excellent team leader with individual and group activities. Handles tasks with accuracy and efficiency.
I created and managed IEPs to define student learning objectives and educational strategies. I planned and organized student lessons and activities for classroom and community for adult community transition program (ACT Program), and managed six Teaching Assistants.
I then transitioned to Ptarmigan Elementary where I started as Resource teacher managing student IEPs in pullout/push-in lessons/activities teaching around general educations classrooms. A Structured Learning Classroom position opened at Ptarmigan and I obtained the position. During that first year as SLC teacher, ASD decided to move the Ptarmigan SLC program to Baxter Elementary for the second half of the year. I stayed with my class for a successful transition to the new school where I collaborated with the other SLC teachers and established the SLC program at Baxter Elementary.