If I start a task, I always finish it. I'm a great, consistent worker. I go to work everyday with the same mindset, and determination as the day before. I'm a strong problem solver and I love nothing more than to challenge myself to the limits.
At I.S.G. I was hired on as a helper passing and packing material, then learned as a builder. I've built everything from scaffolds no bigger then a coffee table, all the way to 70' scaffolds inside of a cement calsigner, dozens of hanging scaffolds, A frames and scaffolds used for bracing things.
At emergency response logistics my job was mostly COVID mitigation at forest fires. I would post up at a checkpoint at a camp used for firefighters and rescue workers and monitor people coming in and out. We would work 16 hour shifts in intervals of 21 days. At the end of the 21 days we would be sent home for a week then could return if we wanted to. A sanitized areas, checked temperatures, monitored the health of all people coming in and out of the campsite.
With Safeway scaffolding we worked mostly at the steel mill building any kind of scaffolds or structures that were needed for the jobs at hand.
At Robert Adams and construction My experience consisted mostly of framing, decking, painting, stucco and anything that has to do with the construction of a house. We also did different landscaping as well.
At I.S.G. I was hired on as a helper passing and packing material, then learned as a builder. I've built everything from scaffolds no bigger then a coffee table, all the way to 70' scaffolds inside of a cement calsigner, dozens of hanging scaffolds, A frames and scaffolds used for bracing things.
* Forklift Certified
* Cpr
* Forklift Certified
* Cpr