Assist tax payers and or responded to inquiries regarding tax forms and tax returns. Determined validity and accuracy of assessed tax liabilities by reviewing forms, documents and payments for compliance with tax laws. Determined appropriate collection action as a means of satisfying liabilities based on account history and tax payer response. Assist tax payers by analyzing, collecting payments and resolving discrepancies on accounts relative to tax due notices.
Received and prepared records of financial transactions relative to accounts payable Refunds and accounts receivable to ensure accuracy and completeness of calculations, legitimacy of transactions and proper authorizations. Worked with vendors or agency personnel to resolve problem calculations. Determined compliance, authorized and executed payments through the utilization of the accounting system. Responsible for maintaining knowledge of various accounting system tables for the purpose of ensuring accuracy of payment transactions.
Make decisions on complex factors and determine levels of benefits for Federal and State Funded Programs. Conducted interview with clients and made other necessary collateral contracts for verification in determining initial eligibility. Interpreted and applied complex Federal and State Agency policies for each program keeping current on numerous and frequent changes. Conducted special investigations and complied reports concerning frauds and location of absent parents.