Proven learning leader with fourteen years experience as a school administrator. Demonstrates a student-focused culture to maximize student success and safety. Team player within the school and district community who is involved with and knowledgeable about many facets of the school.
Leads a Title I Elementary School of over 400 students and 70 staff members, acts as an instructional leader to promote overall school success and safety, embodies school mission with alignment of school goals, skilled as a team player who promotes a positive school culture, builds capacity with research-based practices, incorporates diverse perspectives with the school leadership team, engages on a regular basis with Parents, Teachers, School PTO, Site Council, Student Council and community organizations, guides educators through collaboration and classroom feedback to promote rigorous curriculum and instruction, led and designed relevant school-level staff development, evaluates for ongoing staff improvement, leads grade level PLCs, involved with special education teams meetings to maintain individual student success, supervises and evaluates personnel, maintains a standard of student behavior, promotes school through monthly newsletters, social media and parent communication.
Co-led the school focused on school/student success and safety, served as a member of the administrative team who built a strong school culture, served on district Equity Council, ongoing engagment with school stakeholders, facilitated teachers through collaboration to improve rigorous curriculum and instruction, assisted staff development, highly involved with grade level PLCs, hired/evaluated staff, maintained a standard of student behavior, shared school news through social media and parent communication, led summer bookstudies with other district leaders.
Led a Title I Elementary School of over 550 Students and 100 Staff Members, provided guidance in academic and behavior areas to ensure student success, organized and presented meaningful staff development, communicated with stakeholders of school initiatives, merged two schools together, stayed abreast of staff and school culture, actively involved in classrooms through observations and team conversations, hired/evaluated numerous certified and classified staff.
Key Contributions:
Servant Leader