I am a Choice-Based, and process driven art educator, who believes deeply in the use of creativity and art making as a means of speaking and reflecting our individual as well as our collective experiences. Having taught multiple age levels on and off the past 20 years of life, I have found that the one common thread throughout my teaching time has been my awareness of the child’s need to share their truth and be seen and heard in a world that often disregards their experiences and their voices simply because they are children. Specifically, throughout my pandemic teaching career, I have recognized my obligation to my student’s voices and to creating a space that honors their process and their work, above their product itself. Our children are growing in a time when the world is in so many ways working against them. I am an art educator, artist, and mother who wants nothing more than to empower children with the use of the art making process as a language which allows them to understand the world around them, which includes their place within it and their responsibility to it and one another.