I am a motivated student with excellent customer service, I have previously worked for the City of Glendale as an Hourly Employee at Pacific Community Center. During my time, I work with young kids during COVID with their homework assignment. After they finished, I made sure the kids had fun by playing games with them and keeping them engaged. After signing out the children to their parents, I disinfected everything that was touched, made sure everything was clean organized and ready for the next day before going home,
I also volunteered with Hrashq, which is an Armenian team for special needs children for two years. This allowed me to help and understand each child needs. I helped them play, run, catch but most importantly, i helped them feel what a great job they did while playing.
I am also involved with Eagle Boy Scouts of America.
Lastly, I would like to add, for a young girl I am well rounded and capable of understanding the importance of different tasks and proving excellent customer service and to have great communication skills with all age groups and different type of people.