Work History
Communication Skills
Leadership Experience

Erik Kramarevskiy



I strive to do the best I can in all aspects of my life. Being a natural leader, I work well with diverse groups of people to solve problems and complete given tasks.


years of professional experience

Work History

Math Tutor

Pierce College Math Center
09.2024 - 04.2025
  • As a math tutor my responsibility is to identify knowledge gaps in students seeking help with math and filling those gaps in ways that are applicable to that student’s class
  • I am also obligated to report possible abuse and act as a support for students struggling mentally and emotionally
  • Many qualities I am trained to display is empathy, trustworthiness, patience, understanding, problem solving skills, and an advanced knowledge of mathematics


Franklin Pierce Farm
06.2020 - 09.2020
  • While volunteering at the Franklin Pierce farm, my key responsibilities were manual labor, working as a team to transplant sprouts, weed planting blocks, harvesting crops, shoveling, wheel barreling dirt, and building new planting areas
  • Many of the tasks required teamwork, strategic planning, physical strength, endurance, and perseverance


High School -

Franklin Pierce High School
Tacoma, Washington

Associate’s Degree -

Pierce College
Puyallup, Washington


  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management
  • Leadership
  • Creative writing
  • Adapting
  • Motivating and encouraging
  • High-level calculus
  • Patience


  • Honor roll every quarter of my education at Pierce College.
  • Achieved a 4.0 cumulative GPA.
  • On track to graduate with a high school diploma and an Associate's Degree.
  • Varsity Cross-Country team captain 2023-2025.
  • Franklin Pierce High School 5k Junior Record Holder (16:27).
  • Over 100 volunteer hours at the Franklin Pierce Farm and Franklin Pierce Hurdle Crew.
  • Passed 2 AP classes during Freshman and Sophomore year and received full college credit.
  • Received President's Award for Educational Excellence in elementary school.

Communication Skills

During my time as a volunteer at the Franklin Pierce Farm and as a cross-country runner, I have experienced working in groups and communicating our needs to achieve a greater goal. When tutoring at the math center I also communicate with diverse varieties of people. No matter the diversity, I communicate in ways that help the students learn math and effectively absorb their learning.

Leadership Experience

Being a Varsity Captain and the #1 runner on the cross-country team, I help lead my team through activities like stretches, workouts, cooldowns, and races. Due to my important position on the team, I am required to set a positive example for the younger athletes and make sure everyone is properly training as the coach instructs. Throughout my cross-country running career, I have broken the Franklin Pierce High School Junior 5k record, went to State thrice, been recognized by WIAA as an Athlete of the Week, and still lead our team for the fastest 5k time. I also lead with some of our team’s fastest track times in the mile and 2-mile.


Professional Working


  • Playing Sports
  • Running
  • Chess
  • STEM
  • Gardening
  • Video Games
  • Gym Workouts
  • Reading
  • Camping
  • Personal Development and Self-Improvement


Math Tutor

Pierce College Math Center
09.2024 - 04.2025


Franklin Pierce Farm
06.2020 - 09.2020

Associate’s Degree -

Pierce College

High School -

Franklin Pierce High School
Erik Kramarevskiy