Deans Honors List - I maintained a great GPA with As and Bs for my four main semesters at SMC
All Ocean League Tight end - My senior year of high-school I made the all ocean league team which meant I was the top two in the entire league at my position
Varsity Football team captain - I was honored to be given the title and position of team captain for my high-school team my senior year and led practices , workouts , and kept everyone accountable on and off the field.
My church turned into a fire relief center during the tragic LA fires and I would volunteer. I load and unload trucks and cars filled with supplies for hours at a time.
I started a mobile notary business during my sophomore year of college to diversify my income , improve communication skills , and for a new experience.
I got the opportunity to travel all around Europe after high-school and came back with a love for house music and got into DJ-ing and creating music. I throw my own events and am also hired for parties , events , and gatherings
I travel with my father and am a PA on numerous different sets for movies or tv shows. Currently I split my time between LA and Palm Springs where we are currently shooting. I monitor sound , setup craft services , drive the cast and crew, and load and unload trucks of equipment
I am currently a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at USC and am the vice president of my pledge class. This includes delegating tasks and handling everything that is asked of me along with leading my please class of 25 people
- Leadership
- Hardworking
- Resilient
- Public speaking
- Customer Service
I have a love to travel and get outside of my comfort zone. I have gotten the opportunity to explore Europe for the last two summers with my friends and exploring new cultures is something I think everyone should be experience.
When I am not studying or in the classroom , I am playing five on five basketball for hours at a time 5 days a week. I have always been active and my love for basketball makes staying in shape enjoyable for me.