Hi, My name is Frankie Baca-Lucero, I'm 19 years old, and I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have always been passionate about healthy work environments, regenerative and bio-diverse ecosystems, and being of service while contributing to building a safe and abundant community. I have reverence for all living beings, and I understand that water is life and that we hold a responsibility as human beings to be in relationship to Mother Earth in order to nurture ourselves and each other. This past summer, I lived in a tent for 3 months in the Oregon Forest at Lost Valley Educational Center in Dexter, Oregon. Here I completed the Holistic Sustainability Semester where I earned 3 certificated of completion; 130+ hours in Ecovillage Design, 72+ hours in Permaculture Design, and 175+ hours in Intentional Community Immersion. I practiced non-violent communication, farming, foraging, medicine making, preserving, crafting, and much more. I now desire to develop a deeper relationship to the land here in Albuquerque while continuing to serve my local community by farming.