Work History
Personal Profile Summary


Ewa Beach


Experienced in building high-performance teams to support a professional, efficient, and seamless customer support structure. Senior resource and technical information source, providing support for problem-solving and design planning. Over 17 years of customer management engagement, interfacing with customers to gather requirements and engineer solutions for IT capabilities. Maintained constant contact for end-to-end support and successful integration. Technical Branch Chief at DISA Data Center for over 8 years, also serving as the Data Center Floor Manager. Performed supervisory duties, managing support staff, work/task planning, setting priorities, and scheduling work. Over 11 years of experience in developing strategic planning and implementing new systems to meet customer requirements. Expertise lies in project management, mainly in telecom implementation and data network deployment. Trained and experienced in conflict management, leadership, planning and evaluating, and communication infrastructure design. Additionally, experience with DoD private and commercial cloud computing capabilities and requirements assessment. Currently holding a TS/SCI clearance.


years of professional experience

Work History

Chief, Infrastructure Support Section, Core Data Center Pacific

Defense Information Systems Agency Hosting and Compute
01.2023 - Current
  • Responsible for the Operations and Infrastructure of the Hawaii Data Center
  • Oversight on Facilities, Floor Management, Installations and Maintenance of the hosting environment and networking
  • Manage (6) civilians
  • Disseminate and prioritize workload based on mission requirements and resource availability
  • Serve as senior local technical expert in data center facility, application hosting, and network infrastructure and operations
  • Lobby and integrate with mission partners in support of gaining their business with regards to hosting applications and hardware in the Hawaii Data Center
  • Provide guidance for the onsite IT Technical and Facility staff with the goal of obtaining mitigation and way ahead plans to correct or solve operational problems with the Data Center
  • Provide tours of the Hawaii Data Center for potential and interested Mission Partners to include details on Hosting and Compute offerings and what the Tier III Data Center provides
  • Manage staffing requirements and perform hiring actions as needed
  • Project Management and Technical Consultation services for mission partners
  • Address data center and network related challenges and come up with solutions
  • Coordinate and/or attend Mission Partner (customer) requirements sessions
  • Assess and offer solutions to requirements

Enterprise Services Branch Chief / GG-0391-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Defense Information Systems Agency Pacific (DISA PAC)
02.2022 - 12.2022
  • Responsible for the oversight of DISA’s Enterprise Services programs to include program management and support
  • Interface with customers to address concerns, provide important customer related information, and any escalation action as needed
  • Major focus on Mobility, Unified Communications, Video Teleconferencing, Cross Domain Solutions, and Operation Support Systems (OSS)
  • Manage (7) civilians directly and (30) contractors administratively
  • Disseminate and prioritize workload based on mission requirements and resource availability
  • Manage staffing requirements and perform hiring actions as needed
  • Provide briefing and request for information updates to leadership in the form of slides, verbal, and written correspondence

Director / GS-2210-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Air Ground Task Force Information Technology Support Center (MITSC)
04.2020 - 02.2022
  • As of 30 August 2021, title change to 3rd Network Battalion Support Detachment Hawaii
  • Management Directed Re-assignment as of August 30, 2020, to Director Position
  • Re-organized internal structure to improve operational efficiency and improved mid-level supervision
  • Adjusted current position description(s) to meet current operational demands
  • Worked through the process with Human Resources Office from start to finish with the final product being a certified position description with addendum
  • Personally performed hiring actions for over 30 GS positions in a 2.5-year time span
  • Matured the process internally and moved to an oversight role
  • Created (3) new position descriptions which later received classification for the intended grade level (GS-11/12)
  • Created white paper justifying the need for local government and contractor type support for a new and upcoming voice over internet protocol system that would replace a turnkey service contract for voice and data services Base wide
  • Came up with a labor budget dollar amount that would meet the support requirements with a projected 100% success
  • Provided subject matter expert advice and guidance for new voice over internet protocol system during the RFP, 50 and 90% reviews, and cutover implementation plan
  • Fostered and adjusted working relationships with MARFORPAC which led to improved communication, problem solving, and overall customer service
  • Fostered and improved relationships with other MCB Hawaii Directorates
  • This led to improved communications, expectations, teamwork, and overall customer service
  • Active participant in a Marine Corps Enterprise (MCEN-C2) level re-organization that will essentially move the MITSC organization from Marine Corps Base Hawaii S-6 to Marine Forces Cyber Command
  • Evaluated and provided manpower structure requirements for both current and future layout
  • Evaluated standard enterprise operating procedures and how the new structure would change the way the process flowed
  • Came up with ideas on how best to address any change with minimal operational and personnel disruption
  • Drafted up a potential budget to support operations and for submission for finding when the time comes

Deputy Director / GS-2210-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Air Ground Task Force Information Technology Support Center (MITSC)
04.2019 - 04.2020
  • Oversee budget process
  • Plan and recommend financial programming and budgeting for IT requirements
  • Lead the budget process, identifying shortfalls and resource issues or constraints
  • Review related funding requests to determine validity
  • Oversee technical planning and implementation of IT initiatives, capabilities, and architecture requirements for MITSC Base and station tenant commands
  • Ensures command compliance with DoD Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert (IAVA) requirements
  • Plan, organize, and manage short, mid, and long-term plans as new technologies are developed to ensure SLA remains at acceptable levels
  • Develop Statements of Work for network and data center resource management and enforces command policies and procedures in accordance with DOD, DON, and USMC polices and guidelines
  • Participate in efforts with higher headquarters in support of Marine Corps Enterprise re-organization (MCEN C2)
  • Review all support staff requirements and provide recommendations on how best to support once the new Network Battalion takes over

Deputy Director / GS-2210-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Corps Base Hawaii S-6 / Computer Information Systems Directorate
03.2018 - 04.2019
  • Performed Fiscal / Budget Management for the Base S-6
  • Created Fiscal Year (FY) spend plan and calendar year deficiency projections and spreadsheets
  • Prioritized spending by assessing mission impact and availability of funds
  • Work with the S-6 staff to execute to completion
  • Worked closely with Comptroller Office to balance and shift budget and spending to meet any change in the availability of funds
  • Successfully obligated over $3M (FY19) allotted funding
  • Approved and certified spending documents for contracts and must pay invoicing
  • Reconciled contractor time and attendance to ensure the government is being properly invoiced and potentially saving the government thousands of dollars
  • Manage DISA PDC (charge codes) for DISA managed services that include Pacific Enterprise Services Hawaii (PES-HI) lines and circuits and Iridium services
  • Engaged in strategic planning with the goal of reducing FY spending for the S-6
  • Provided feedback to the team regarding Land Mobile Radio requirements and how we can save on yearly maintenance costs
  • Performed duties as Authorizing Official for Government Purchase Card Program
  • Manage all purchase actions to include approval of purchase and auditing card holders for the S-6
  • Performed all hiring actions to include Request for Personnel Action (RPA), Position Description review, Position Designation, Job Analysis, Resume review, and Selection
  • Interact directly with local Human Resource (HR) Office for creating, reviewing, clarifying, and approving documents pertaining to civilian hiring actions
  • Prepare justification for Executive Steering Group review on all S-6 vacant billets
  • Created Project Management position description which was successfully classified for a GS-2210-12 position
  • Successfully completed, start to finish, (8) hiring actions over the course of 11 months
  • Provide leadership and technical guidance to the S-6 staff in the areas of telecom, information technology, and data center project design and procurements
  • Cover executive level meetings and responsibilities in the absence of the S-6 Director
  • Provide value added feedback regarding technical, personnel, and project issues to the S-6 Director
  • Engage with entities outside of S-6 for matters of funding, coordination of effort for projects, and any service that the S-6 provides with the goal of obtaining mutual benefit
  • Was able to obtain over $650,000 of funding to support Base Communications Projects for FY18
  • Streamline issues that may be causing work stoppage or coordination shortfalls
  • Successfully bridged staffing gaps, temporarily, until hiring actions complete and kept continuity with normal and surging operations
  • Successfully performed all required action during this time

Telecom Specialist / GS-0391-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Defense Information System Agency / PC2 Strategic Plans and DISN Services
01.2016 - 03.2018
  • Perform project management and support duties to traditional telecommunications and emergent IP and Transport projects and ensure that Unified Capabilities (UC) requirements are included
  • Provide systems engineering, technical consultation, integration and testing of DISN Services and UC with a focus on DISA Pacific AOR deployments
  • Provide program oversight within the DISA PAC AOR for assigned UC areas of emphasis and ensures DISA PAC’s strategic theater planning objectives are included
  • Recommend improvements to PC21 internal processes and procedures, as necessary, to improve efficiencies
  • Represent DISA PAC at meetings with customers, stakeholders and HHQs
  • Generate formal and informal correspondence to keep the chain of command situationally aware of programs and projects
  • Manage all DECC Closure items on behalf of PC2, provide SA, status, and recommendations to PC2 leadership and DISA PAC Command
  • DISA PAC’s representative for ITIL’s Availability Management Program
  • Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol (EVOIP) Regional Program Lead
  • Participated and supported the installation of the PAC EVOIP Node
  • Resolved critical installation hurdles concerning equipment hardware installation and cabling
  • Performed critical troubleshooting on high-speed fiber connections
  • Interfaced with Cisco Engineers for hardware configuration issues and resolved them
  • Interfaced with potential customers and supported technical discussions
  • Managed and maintained local voice over IP system for the command
  • Over 200 endpoints
  • Served as PC21 Branch Chief during a short gap in the billet
  • Managed Services staff and acted as next level escalation for all technical and admin issues

Director / GS-2210-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

DISA Enterprise Services Directorate / Defense Enterprise Computing Center Pacific
05.2010 - 01.2016
  • Assumed DECC Director Position for a 120 TDY from APR – JULY 2015
  • Took on responsibilities and all duties commensurate with the office
  • Addressed moral issues with the staff and made quick corrective actions with reasonable success
  • Addressed a budget shortfall due to one employee being TDY and consuming overtime funds
  • Provided Denver Facilities with feedback and oversight on power, space, and cooling issues
  • Kept DISA PAC Commander and Command Deck staff with situational awareness, updates, and RFI’s

NetOps Manager (SME)/Network Manager / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego C4I Programs HI Code 2514
05.2004 - 05.2010
  • Assigned to Commander Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) N63, Navy Command and Control Coordination Center (NCCC)
  • Assumed position as the NetOps Subject Matter Expert (SME), Network Manager as of June 2008
  • Duties include NCCC NetOps Watch Officer Trainer; Develop the NCCC NetOps Common Operational Picture (COP) Web application; Network Management Support for Navy and Fleet Networks to the NCCC; COMPACFLT Authorized Service Interruption Manager
  • Provide basic and advanced training for all new NCCC Watch Officers
  • New Watch Officers are a mix of Navy Enlisted, Reservist, and DOD Civilians
  • Train on techniques required to formulate Navy NetOps reporting to the PACFLT Commander and other NetOps entities, update of the NetOps COP and other reporting resources
  • Create, modify, and implement SOP / TTP for the NCCC Watch
  • High level SOPs include NetOps Reporting, Influencing, collaborating with other NetOps sources, and transitioning to the Joint Task Force
  • Provide day to day system administration of the NCCC NetOps COP application
  • Work closely with the web developers on improvements to the COP as required by COMPACFLT
  • Provide high level, detailed inputs, and implementation of, in support of advancing the NetOps COP
  • Provide Network subject matter expert support to the NCCC on Fleet Communications Systems, Transport, Routing / Switching, Telecom, and Applications
  • Manage with authority to approve / disapprove ASI requests
  • Responsible to provide comprehensive operational impact assessments which are vetted up the N6 chain of command for situational awareness, discussions, and concurrences


Electronics Institute - School of Electronics Engineering

Honolulu, HI

DISA Senior Leadership Program -

DISA Senior Leadership Program
Honolulu, HI


  • Supportive Attitude
  • Collaborative Team Player
  • Customer Engagement
  • Analytical Problem-Solving

Personal Profile Summary

IT Supervisory / Technical and Customer Service Management / Leadership, Experienced in building a high-performance team that supports a professional, efficient, seamless, support structure for wide range of customer base., Served as senior resource and technical information source in support of problem solving and design planning., Over 17 years working Customer Management Engagement. Interfaced with customers to gather requirements and engineer solutions for all forms of IT capabilities. Kept in constant contact to ensure end to end support and successful integration., Over 8 years as the Technical Branch Chief at DISA Data Center. Served as Data Center Floor Manager., Over 16 years of experience performing a full range of supervisory duties, managing support staff, work/task planning, setting priorities and scheduling work to be completed., Over 11 years in developing strategic planning and implementation of new systems to meet customer requirements., Over 11 years of Project Management experience mainly in telecom implementation and data network deployment., Competent through training and experience in Conflict Management, Leadership, Planning and Evaluating, and Communication Infrastructure Design., Experience with DoD Private and Commercial Cloud Computing capabilities and requirements assessment., Currently holding a TS/SCI Clearance., Enterprise Computing Center: Rebuilt the staffing architecture to improve efficiency and fill gaps in operations without adding additional staff. Customer service response time improved. Passed Command Cyber Readiness Inspection (CCRI) for the first time., Core Data Center: Uncovered several inefficiencies in facility operations and corrected. Improved data center resiliency and operation. Revised contingency plans for critical systems in the event of natural disaster. Performed rehearsal of concept drills to re-enforce understanding of processes and procedures. Gained trust of employees by efficient leadership, leading by example, and problem solving., DISA EVOIP at Ford Island. Stepped in as a key technical contributor to the Hawaii implementation. Secured and designed custom equipment mounting for power and servers. Assisted with cabling of equipment to meet deadlines. Worked with DISA Tier III and Cisco engineering on troubleshooting key connections., OCONUS Cloud IPT. Participated in the Hosting and Compute OCONUS Cloud IPT, representing Hawaii AOR. Provided valuable and specific information for discussion in support of the OCONUS Cloud Deployment Plan., Amazon Web Services (AWS) Joint Operational Edge Outpost. Worked closely with AWS and Hosting and Compute OCONUS Cloud Team on a quick and successful install of the AWS Outpost at the Hawaii Data Center. Provided all required site information timely. Designed the internal fiber cabling infrastructure supporting the necessary connections for the Outpost.


Chief, Infrastructure Support Section, Core Data Center Pacific

Defense Information Systems Agency Hosting and Compute
01.2023 - Current

Enterprise Services Branch Chief / GG-0391-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Defense Information Systems Agency Pacific (DISA PAC)
02.2022 - 12.2022

Director / GS-2210-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Air Ground Task Force Information Technology Support Center (MITSC)
04.2020 - 02.2022

Deputy Director / GS-2210-14 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Air Ground Task Force Information Technology Support Center (MITSC)
04.2019 - 04.2020

Deputy Director / GS-2210-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Marine Corps Base Hawaii S-6 / Computer Information Systems Directorate
03.2018 - 04.2019

Telecom Specialist / GS-0391-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

Defense Information System Agency / PC2 Strategic Plans and DISN Services
01.2016 - 03.2018

Director / GS-2210-13 / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

DISA Enterprise Services Directorate / Defense Enterprise Computing Center Pacific
05.2010 - 01.2016

NetOps Manager (SME)/Network Manager / Full time permanent / 40 hours per week

SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego C4I Programs HI Code 2514
05.2004 - 05.2010

DISA Senior Leadership Program -

DISA Senior Leadership Program

Electronics Institute - School of Electronics Engineering