I have a calling to leave the world better than I found it. I plan to achieve my boldly stated goal eventually after following a long-laden path of micro-goals. I hope to graduate from college with the knowledge and the skillset to allow me the ability to pursue any venture I could desire. However, I want to attend law school. During my undergraduate and graduate tenures, I hope to intern and network to the best of my ability so that I will be positioned when I graduate from law school to do the following: commission into the Marine Corps as a JAG Officer, Clerk for a Justice of the Supreme Court, and find a way to incorporate my knowledge of Artificial Intelligence into my careerpreferably pertaining to public policy.
Selected as one of 62 international participants in the FBI's Youth Leadership Program run by a cadre of law enforcement training instructors. The program's intensive coursework places a strong emphasis on developing the next generation of socially-conscious and service-minded leaders. Participants are selected for their demonstrated high academic achievement and recognized community citizenship.