- Baking
- Cooking
- Learning new cooking techniques and expanding my culinary skills
- Engaging in food photography and sharing culinary creations on social media
- I enjoy cooking for friends and family gatherings
- Growing herbs, vegetables, or fruits in home gardens
- Bread Making
- Enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and flavors in the kitchen
- I like trying new recipes and food trends
- 3D Printing
- Video Gaming
- Electronics and Circuit Building
- Food Tourism
- Historical Exploration
- Adventure Travel
- Road Trips
- Music
- Gym Workouts
- Team Sports
- I participate in various sports activities for physical activity, camaraderie, and personal growth
- Playing Sports
- Enjoy hobbies that combine physical activity with outdoor exploration
- Camping
- Participate in cross-country and Track & field, as recreational activities to maintain physical fitness