- Led staff development, resource retention and career growth for group of 12 Civil/Structural Engineers with various experience levels from Technical Specialist to entry-level.
- Addressed resource demand by hiring 6 new employees, promoting 4 existing employees, and fostering 2 engineering students through Technical Service Center internship program within the Waterways and Concrete Dams Group 1.
- Performed bi-weekly group meetings to information staff of activities/information sharing within Technical Service Center, and workload transparency among staff regarding completed, ongoing, or initiation of new projects.
- Participated on 6 interview hiring panels for various vacant positions with the Technical Service Center Divisions and Client offices.
- Assigned mentorship between senior- and entry-level staff, and encouraged annual participation of at least 3 senior- and journeyman-level staff in Bureau of Reclamation’s Great Connections Mentoring Program to support organization understanding and foster technical networking across Technical Service Center Divisions.
- Served as experienced supervisor among Waterways and Concrete Dams Group 1, 2, and 3 through the transition of 2 new supervisors.
- Developed and implemented 6-month projective workload for each group member with consideration for both group capability development and career goals for individual employees.
- Conducted bi-weekly coordination and planning meetings with Waterways and Concrete Dam Groups 1, 2 and 3 to ensure consistent resource assignments, workload management, and development of monthly, in-house training through utilization of senior- and journeyman- level experience for optimal knowledge transfer to entry- and journeyman-level staff.
- Established and conducted monthly coordination with Geotechnical Engineering and Seismology and Geomorphology Groups to ensure delivery of seismic loads to support numerical analyses under both 8102 and 8300 Divisions in the Technical Service Center.
- Participated in annual 5-year workload planning efforts between Technical Service Center and Dam Safety Office to ensure resource allocation to priority projects.
- Participated in 2022 Dam Safety Annual Workload meeting comprised of 5 Regional Dam Safety Coordinators, 5 Dam Safety Program Managers and Chief of Dam Safety Office, to communicate efforts to address workload and priority projects for existing fiscal year, moving forward and beyond.
- Coordinated review assignments for Dam Safety Advisory Team to ensure adequate reviewers for civil-focused evaluations on both Reclamation and Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- Initiated efforts to evaluate existing 8 computing server infrastructure used to perform complex numerical structural analyses within Waterways and Concrete Dams Group 1 and developed plan for replacement to support future growth and increased efficiency through expanded virtual machine platform. Coordinated with members of Information Resources Office and Enterprise System Administration to ensure that long-term Group needs are met, and alignment with Reclamation’s efforts for virtualization.
- Initiated efforts to develop internal database for Alkali Silica Reaction in collaboration with University of Colorado at Boulder and utilize information in evaluating concrete dams with ASR to benefit continued use by Technical Service Center.
- Served as technical representative for multi-agency group for development, implementation and use optimization of LS-DYNA. The team, comprised of 4 key agencies including USACE, BC Hydro, Électricité de France (EDF) and the Bureau of Reclamation, meet on bi-annual recurrence.
Headgate Rock Dam – Risk Analysis - March 2022, February 2023
- Led Risk Analysis Workshop comprised of 10 participants from both Technical Service Center, and Bureau of Indian Affairs for Comprehensive Review.
- Facilitated 2 separate, 4-day meetings, to evaluate 6 potential failures related to both internal erosion and scour of embankment dam, as well as operational and overtopping and structural failures related to spillway and canal headworks.
- Offered discussion and guidance to Bureau of Indian Affairs to inform the development and implementation of inspections and exercising of the canal headworks gates to ensure risk reduction at facility as a key outcome of risk analysis process.
Keswick Dam – Risk Analysis - February 2022
- Led combined Comprehensive Review- and Issue Evaluation-level risk analysis comprised of 8 participants from both Technical Service Center, Reclamation’s California-Great Basin Region and Northern California Area Office.
- Facilitated 4-day meeting to evaluate 2 potential failures related to structural behavior of spillway superstructure and gates under increased seismic loads using updated finite element numerical analysis.
Folsom Dam Raise - Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) - July, September, November 2021
- Led multi-phases quantitative risk analysis comprised of 10 participants from both Technical Service Center, Reclamation’s California-Great Basin Region, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
- Facilitated 3 separate weeklong meetings, evaluated 14 potential failures capturing structural behavior of main dam for both existing and raised conditions.
- Conducted multiple technical briefings to the United States Army Corps of Engineers Leadership to ensure consistent understanding of discussions to support continuation of Main Dam Raise (MDR) project and collaboration between Reclamation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Education and Research
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-19 – Shear Equation Revisions - Present
- Participated as Technical Advisor in the Technical Service Center ACI Working Group to develop an initial testing program in coordination with the Technical Service Center Concrete and Structural Laboratory, and Professors with Texas A&M University and University of Notre Dame, to evaluate the revised shear capacity equations presented in the new ACI-318-19 Building Code, and had a direct impact on scope and cost of design and construction for Technical Service Center Civil Engineering Services Division 1 and 2 for existing and new construction.
USSD Conference Technical Workshop - April 2024
- Participated on a team comprised of 6-7 members of numerical analysis community to development a workshop with intent of educating on the concept of validation, verification, and uncertainties, application in complex numerical analysis for concrete dams and appurtenant structures, and understanding the inherent boundaries of using to address structural behavoir. Workshop was attended by over 100 participants, including representatives from academic, dam ownership, and engineering sectors.
Best Practices for Dam Safety - September 2022
- Facilitated 2, 4-hour workshops as part of Bureau of Reclamation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers Best Practices training to educate team of 6-7 engineers of various disciplines (civil, structural, geology, geotechnical, hydrology, and dam safety) on risk analysis methodology and process to develop and evaluate potential failure modes.
International Best Practices in Risk Analysis - April 2022
- Presented workshop session on Loading Conditions and Load Probabilities during International Best Practices in Risk Analysis training attended by 26 participants from 11 countries.
Advanced Analysis of Dams - Validation and Verification - April, May 2021
- Facilitated 4-session technical lecture series on validation and verification methods and processes in numerical analysis of concrete dams through coordination with both University of California Davis and Technical Specialist for the Waterways and Concrete Dams Group 1.
- Offered training to 60 Technical Service Center employees from both 8102 and 8300 Divisions which provided detailed education on importance of using highly complex and technical tools such as finite element modeling and structural analysis.
Technical Structural Analyst/Project Management
Vallecito Dam - Appraisal Design -September 2021
- Led multi-disciplinary team of 5 engineers for appraisal level design to identify root cause of structural displacement in upstream inlet channel walls, concrete damage and radial gate binding for spillway gate structure and provide repair options to client.
- Development and implementation of Field Exploration Request, laboratory material testing, and coordination with other design teams and cost estimators to identify design options to address multiple existing issues.
Shasta Dam - Issue Evaluation - June 2020
- Led a team of 6 structural analysts for linear and nonlinear numerical analysis to evaluate structural stability of existing concrete gravity arch dam under increased seismic loadings and estimate of high-stress locations and displacements.
- Monitored execution of developed scope, communication multiple engineering groups, and management of budget, schedule and deliverables.