I prefer this section be personal and not AI generated. My father taught me at a very young age the importance of being the best you can be no matter what the task. I always hear his voice saying, "I don't care if you are flipping burgers or scrubbing toilets, you be the best burger flipper or toilet scrubber that employer has ever hired." This has given me the drive to learn not only the entry level job, but everything there is to know about the small business or large company in order to advance and contribute to the overall success. In past jobs, I was quick to advance up the ranks because of this work ethic. I am most confident in my ability to adapt and learn quickly. My greatest qualities that apply to any career path is my ability to connect, get along with, work closely with, and to lead other people. I work equally well with a partner, group, or individually.
I don't believe there is any room for irrational pride in a workplace. Being proud of your work is different than acting prideful toward others. Teamwork only prevails when you work as a team. The chain of command provides order but it does not represent a hierarchy of personal value. Every member of a team is equally important. This seems to be an easily forgotten value in a lot of workplaces.
I attended Nicolet after High School in pursuit of a degree in Graphic Design. After completing my first year, I decided to change my major to psychology instead. After a semester of psychology I decided to pause my education to help my wife raise our growing family. Now I am back in college at the age of 33 in pursuit of finishing my associates degree and continuing toward a bachelors degree. I am currently enrolled, taking 9 credits a semester while working full time swing shift. My associates degree should be complete by the end of 2025.