Fashion Design Intern
Soliyarn LLC (Funded by the Airforce/ Navy SEALS)
- Completed runs between the North End corporate office and Charlestown lab location doing fabric pickups and drop offs
- Worked independently successfully within a team of R&D engineers and product development specialists demonstrating a strong understanding of the product creation process and timelines
- Participated in creative vision during off sites and other design events
- Carried out pattern adjustments for various prototype apparel items
- Organized fabric samples and notions sent by the military
- Used patterns to sew protype apparel products to be sent off to manufacturers to meet key project deadlines
- Inspected prototypes were properly color matched to the military’s specifications before sending off to client
- Worked on multiple design projects such as protype heated gloves, tents, blankets, boots and jackets
- Picked out fabric and notions for new design projects
- Sketched out designs for heated gloves and other apparel items such as garments, tents, and blankets to receive water proofing and sweat channeling coatings
- Worked with engineers to create and sew reliable heated gloves
- Assist others in projects to ensure that category is delivering before deadlines
- Sat in on meetings with military personnel to help manufacture our glove designs as a military uniform accessory
- Created marketing projects to boost social media presence for the company
- Such as, designing gloves for a professional athlete with a limb difference, and creating designs in swimwear that change color when submerged.