Currently a Sophomore student in UIUC. Junior Copywriter with background creating wide-ranging styles and types of content. Familiar with both American and Asian culture and know how to produce highly related contents. Highly adaptable to all kinds of requirements and can endure working overnight to reach close deadlines.
Lifeguard License (acquired on June 2022)
Ask Us Another, Irvine, CA, 09/01/20, 06/01/22, Teach children who just come to US from other countries (majorly from China) classes in Math, English reading, speaking and writing., Know how to create good relationship with the kids as well as their parents., Managed to lead the kids I taught to develop their own interests in learning., Was considered responsible and full of passion by the parents.
HD academic volunteer, Champaign, starting from June 2023 (currently enrolled). Write social media posts to share tips that help reduce new students' time on solving everyday problems in campus. Provide students with difficulty learning course materials free tutoring services on classes I have taken before.
Sattleback Church, Irvine, CA, 09/01/21, 06/01/22, Guide poor families through the stand that provide them with free products, and make sure they got what they need., Spread love among the society as I provide help to the poor using my own abilities, such as doing translations, helping them carry their packages, and teach them to pray., Made me realize the importance of contribute our own knowledge and skills to serve people in order to improve the living qualities inside the societies.
Lifeguard License (acquired on June 2022)