Recent honorable completion of 6 year service in the United States Navy. Excited to transition to civilian life by using my extensive technical and hands on training/experience to work by contributing and performing as an integral part of an outstanding work team.
Fire Controlmen (FC) inspect, test, align, and repair micro/minicomputers and associated peripheral equipment, network systems, data conversion units, data display equipment, data link terminal equipment, print devices, and system related equipment; perform analyses for detailed systems, computer programs, electronics, and electronic casualty control and operate associated built-in and external test equipment; and load, initialize, and run preprogrammed diagnostics, performance and testing routines for digital computer equipment, digital systems, digital subsystems, and overall combat systems. Provide weapon direction systems employment recommendations; perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on digital computer equipment, subsystems, and systems; operate and maintain combat and weapons direction systems, radar systems, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile systems, and gun fire control systems at the organizational and intermediate level.