Dynamic and responsible Ocean Rescue Lifeguard for three years. From this, I developed a sense of protection towards others that has made me a more alert and better all-around individual. Before this, my role in a supervisor position gave me a larger task at a younger age, allowing me to gain skills such as communication that helped me once I started college. Being a four year student-athlete matured me very quickly and taught me valuable lessons that have made me grow as an individual. Time management and working as a team to reach an overall goal are a couple that have propelled me as a young adult. Each year my education has grown and become stronger which has allowed me to become a goal- oriented person that sets a high standard for myself. Overall, I like to consider myself a hard worker with the ability to solve problems by good communication, maturity, and reliability. On top of this, I enjoy the idea of being capable to help others that may not be able to help themselves in many different situations.