Performance-oriented Sales Leader offering exceptional record of achievement over [13] year career. Professional manager with strategic and analytical approach to solving problems, bringing in customers and accomplishing profit targets. Talented in identifying and capitalizing on emerging market trends and revenue opportunities.
A PROVEN LEADER who can chart their own course for success while leading large team growth vertically and always possessing a sense of urgency to win in all aspects of the job. Meeting and exceeding sales goals while growing volume and revenue of sales in all departments. Upholding the core values of the company while ( creating a winning, never give up culture) achieving an unprecedented level of customer service and customer experience.
Project focused and always looking into the future to be prepared to change course as needed. Holding team accountable for winning, must be precise, structured, and disciplined in approach to get the most out of self/team and organization.
In this role there is no room to be fearful of failure as this person must take risks to grow and develop future growth and CSI. A true leader....Result driver and proformance based built on trust.