Experienced leader skilled in relationship building. Successfully leads projects and focus groups in person and virtually. Increases customer satisfaction and call volume per representative. Dependable and detail-oriented with strengths in project and time management.
Walgreens, Chicago, IL, Business Researcher, 10/21, 12/21, Instrumental with developing employee satisfaction focus groups/surveys, Proposing employee recognition initiatives to increase employee engagement., Applies emotional intelligence with ease and knows the importance of accessibility in a work environment.
Catalyst Maria High School, Senior Leader Intern, Organized and planned numerous events and fundraisers to help fund H.S. football and basketball games., Managed a Cheerleading team, assisting with student and parent applications, competition rallies, equipment, and other faculty duties., Observed classrooms and met one on one as the principal’s intern to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the students learning, and what the teachers could do to better assist them.