Work History

Jodi Tallon


A dedicated and enthusiastic elementary school teacher with 33 years of experience, skilled in creating engaging learning environments that foster academic growth and social-emotional development in diverse student populations; passionate about differentiated instruction, building strong student relationships, and collaborating with parents to ensure every child reaches their full potential. .


years of professional experience

Work History

3rd Grade Elementary Teacher

Harford County Public Schools
07.2006 - 08.2025
  • Taught 14 years in Baltimore County
  • Experience teaching grades Pre-K thru third grade
  • Implemented differentiated instruction techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs within the classroom.
  • Promoted parental involvement in their child''s education by maintaining open lines of communication and hosting regular parent-teacher conferences.
  • Established and maintained highly structured classroom culture where students demonstrated respect, responsibility and dedication to studies.
  • Participated in ongoing professional development opportunities to stay current with educational trends and best practices in teaching methods.
  • Mentored new teachers within the school district, sharing valuable insights gained from years of experience in the profession.
  • Guided learning process through use of clearly established goals and objectives to meet student and district goals and objectives.
  • Employed visuals consistent with needs and capabilities of students.
  • Served as a grade-level team leader, coordinating efforts among colleagues to improve overall teaching practices within the school community.
  • Enhanced student learning by incorporating hands-on activities and group projects into lesson plans.
  • Provided timely feedback on assignments, fostering student growth and improvement through constructive criticism.
  • Created classroom environment conducive to learning and appropriate to development and skill level of students.
  • Contributed to a positive school culture by actively participating in faculty meetings, committees, and special events throughout the year.
  • Collaborated with other teachers to develop cross-curricular lessons, promoting a deeper understanding of subject matter.
  • Managed classroom behavior effectively through consistent expectations, clear rules, and appropriate consequences for undesirable actions.
  • Established a positive classroom environment that fostered open communication and mutual respect.
  • Reinforced positive behavior by encouraging efforts through affirmation statements and praising accomplishments.


Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education

Towson University
Baltimore, MD


  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Student engagement
  • Collaborative learning
  • Individualized learning


  • Commended for exceptional teaching and support to students
  • Nominated for Teacher-Of-The-Year
  • Master's Equivalence Degree in Education
  • Member of the SPA Team(Student Progress and Achievement)
  • Hosting teacher for new HCPS teachers for content visits


  • Elementary Education Certification - [State] Department of Education.
  • Early Childhood Education Certification - [State] Department of Education.


3rd Grade Elementary Teacher

Harford County Public Schools
07.2006 - 08.2025
  • Elementary Education Certification - [State] Department of Education.
  • Early Childhood Education Certification - [State] Department of Education.

Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education

Towson University
Jodi Tallon