Passionate worship leader who is dedicated to serving the church well in worship ministry through the use of his gift for music. Works hard both on and off the platform to create an environment for people to experience God through. Good at event planning, teamwork and listening, and serving in any ministry capacity needed.
Enhanced customer satisfaction by providing efficient and friendly service during meal times, and assisting in any set up or tear down jobs necessary.
Assisted in all areas of Worship Ministry including tech/production, leading worship on various teams, and working closely under and assisting in any way possible current worship leader Anna Lauren.
Worked as part of a team making various drinks and food, taking orders, and maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
Traveled around to various Assemblies of God youth and kids camps serving in various roles as camp counselor, recreation staff, worship team member, and setup/teardown staff whilst also promoting trinity at each of the camps.
Worked as part of a team making various drinks and food, taking orders, and maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
Managed the coffee shop making drinks, taking orders, and maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
Assisted in all areas of Worship Ministry including tech/production, leading worship on various teams, and working closely under and assisting in any way possible current worship leader Harmony LeBuff.