Work History

Jose De Jesus Torres Aguirre

Saltillo, Zona Centro,Mexico


Experience of 4 years in the manufacturing industry including safety and quality, I have had the opportunity to work in different plants and gain knowledge. Interested in the continuous improvement of the areas and apply the knowledge of Lean Manufacturing.I am very committed to my work and discipline is very important to me, with small changes, great things can be achieved. I consider myself ambitious.


years of professional experience

Work History

Process Quality Assurance Engineer

Daimler vehículos Comerciales México
Saltillo, Coahuila
10.2022 - Current
  • Recommended changes in manufacturing processes or design modifications when necessary.
  • Coordinated efforts between Quality Assurance department and other departments within the organization.
  • Addressing quality alerts or FRACAS (failure Report And Corrective Action System) for implementation at the Saltillo plant.
  • Monitoring QFL's (Quality Feedback Loop) 2 and 6 to maintain control over the score, in collaboration with the Final Chassis Operations Unit.
  • Meeting with external customers to present the problem Solving in Final Chassis.
  • Follow Up to DPRs and Warranties
  • Follow Up to X0 & PS in the Quality Gates from FCH

Quality Intern

Daimler vehículos Comerciales México
Derramadero, Coahuila
01.2022 - 10.2022

Create a more efficient inspection system, increasing added value and decreasing non- added value. Through a line balancing, based on times and creation of Yamazumis in FCB.

The following documents were developed and applied:

  • ISWI´s (Inspection Standard Work Instruction)
  • Quality Alerts
  • JES (Job Element Sheet)
  • Single Point Lesson
  • PDCA (Plan, Do, check and act)
  • Creation of Check Point 294 to inspect In System Damaged in FCB

Safety Supervisor

Saltillo, Coahuila
01.2021 - 12.2021
  • Conducted safety training for employees and visitors to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Assessed workplace conditions for potential hazards, such as chemical exposure and poor ergonomics.
  • Inspected equipment regularly to identify any potential safety issues.
  • Educated workers on the importance of wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Safety Supervisor

Fives Cinetic Mexico
Saltillo, Coahuila
06.2020 - 12.2020
  • Conducted safety training for employees and visitors to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Assessed workplace conditions for potential hazards, such as chemical exposure and poor ergonomics.
  • Inspected equipment regularly to identify any potential safety issues.
  • Performed regular risk assessments to evaluate the need for additional safety measures or procedures.
  • Educated workers on the importance of wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Computational Technician

Saltillo, Coahuila
01.2019 - 03.2019
  • Performed troubleshooting and repair of equipment in accordance with manufacturer specifications.
  • Provided technical support services to customers via phone or email communication.
  • Installed software updates on customer machines while providing technical assistance when necessary.


Industrial Engineering - Manufacturing

Instituto Tecnologico De Saltillo
Saltillo, Coahuila


  • Quality Processes
  • Lean Manufacturing Principles
  • Corrective Action Planning
  • Internal Auditing




• DC3 Core Tools

• DC3 Lean Manufacturing

• DC3 Excel

• Certificate in English Skills

• DC3 Personal Protective Equipment

• DC3 Safe work with electricity and electrical Equipment

• DC3 Mobile Equipment

• DC3 Work at height.

• DC3 Confined Spaces


Process Quality Assurance Engineer

Daimler vehículos Comerciales México
10.2022 - Current

Quality Intern

Daimler vehículos Comerciales México
01.2022 - 10.2022

Safety Supervisor

01.2021 - 12.2021

Safety Supervisor

Fives Cinetic Mexico
06.2020 - 12.2020

Computational Technician

01.2019 - 03.2019

Industrial Engineering - Manufacturing

Instituto Tecnologico De Saltillo

• DC3 Core Tools

• DC3 Lean Manufacturing

• DC3 Excel

• Certificate in English Skills

• DC3 Personal Protective Equipment

• DC3 Safe work with electricity and electrical Equipment

• DC3 Mobile Equipment

• DC3 Work at height.

• DC3 Confined Spaces

Jose De Jesus Torres Aguirre