Work History
Continuing Education

Joseph Erdmann



I am passionate about helping youth become responsible productive members of society. I believe that a balanced education and involvement in extra-curricular environments will inspire students to be successful young adults. I believe hard work, honesty, and perseverance will pay off in a positive way in the classroom, extra-curricular, and life. I adopted this philosophy as a child and it has helped me build many relationships in my personal and professional life. I am regarded as someone you can depend on.


years of professional experience

Work History

5th - 8th Grade Teacher

Harbor Springs Public Schools
07.2004 - Current
  • As a highly-effective educator in Harbor Springs, I have fostered life long relationships with my colleagues and students
  • I have taught ELA and Social Studies with creative and engaging lessons
  • Teacher Representative Student Council/K-Kids
  • Organized the Lansing overnight field trip and monitored the fifth grade internal account including fundraising
  • Served as co-advisor for Michigan Youth in Government for 20 delegates

3rd Grade Teacher

Great Lakes Academy
08.2003 - 01.2004
  • In addition to teaching the 3rd grade curriculum, I was an after school tutor for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students
  • Served as a mentor in the after school boys' leadership program for troubled youth called MALD


M.S. - Education-Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Walden University

B.S. - Elementary Education

Oakland University


  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suites
  • Apple- Keynote, Clips, iMovie, and Classroom
  • LMS - Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology
  • Nearpod
  • Kahoot - Gimkit - Blooket
  • Quizlet
  • Padlet
  • Parent-Teacher-Colleague Communication
  • Organized Grade Level Trips
  • Managed the 5th Grade Internal Account
  • Mentor Teacher


As an educator in Harbor Springs I have embraced being involved in my students' hobbies and life. I frequently attend sporting events, plays, dance recitals, and social gatherings that I am invited to. I have volunteered as a middle school assistant basketball coach when asked, volunteered with The First Tee of Northern Michigan and Harbor Point's golf programs. Additionally, I have taken part in leadership opportunities as Shay's Student Council and K-Kids teacher representative. I have served on the district's Steering Committee, Athletic advisory board, Technology, and Growth Data Committees. I had the pleasure of piloting A2A (Awareness to Action) with the fifth grade students over two years. This process resulted in the city of Harbor Springs purchasing water separators for the health of Lake Michigan. In October of 2012, administration recognized my efforts as an educator with the nomination for a certificate of appreciation by Office Max. 

Continuing Education

  • Create and Captivate: Using Online Presentations to Teach
  • One Stop Shop: Online Docs, Spreadsheets, Slides and Forms for your Classroom
  • The Writer's Notebook
  • Sticks and Stones: The Bully Free Zone
  • Brain Works: Better Teaching with the Brain in Mind
  • Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education


5th - 8th Grade Teacher

Harbor Springs Public Schools
07.2004 - Current

3rd Grade Teacher

Great Lakes Academy
08.2003 - 01.2004

M.S. - Education-Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Walden University

B.S. - Elementary Education

Oakland University
Joseph Erdmann