Fire Pump Replacement (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, FL)
- Acting Lead Responsible Engineer
- Collaborated with multiple disciplines to prepare design modification package
- Prepared hydraulic evaluations
- Developed procurement specification for new fire pump skid
- Created new piping and instrumentation diagrams, procedures, vendor manuals and test plans
- Coordinated interactions with vendor and client
Winterization (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, FL)
- Served as on-site lead overseeing multiple engineers providing implementation support
- Organized several walk down activities and documented results
- Evaluated susceptibility of vital plant systems
- Resolved multiple issues regarding procurement and plant operability concerns
Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Replacement (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, FL)
- Developed engineering walk down plan
- Documented existing conditions inside the containment structure
- Prepared interdisciplinary design change package
Containment Atmosphere Radiation Monitor Replacement (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, FL)
- Served as night shift on-site lead
- Provided 24/7 implementation support during limited condition for operation
- Performed troubleshooting during post modification testing
- Coordinated interdisciplinary activities between engineers and site personnel
- Resolved several field change requests
Design Verifier
- Performed technical reviews of engineering change packages, calculations, and piping and instrumentation diagrams