Highly motivated, goal-oriented, and industrious professional dedicated to building a successful long-term career. Skilled in multitasking and efficient time management, with a demonstrated ability to adapt to diverse work environments. Enthusiastic about continuous learning and capable of working autonomously with minimal supervision.
Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats (32 hours) - Nautical Options Training Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (NOTIP)
Seagoing Basic Training under Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties - Seatech Maritime Training And Assessment Center Inc.
Basic Training Certification - Nautical Options Training Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (NOTIP)
Ship’s Catering Services National Certificate 1 - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Housekeeping National Certificate 2 - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats (32 hours) - Nautical Options Training Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (NOTIP)
Seagoing Basic Training under Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties - Seatech Maritime Training And Assessment Center Inc.
Basic Training Certification - Nautical Options Training Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (NOTIP)
Ship’s Catering Services National Certificate 1 - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Housekeeping National Certificate 2 - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)