Well-rounded educational administrator. Student-focused and collaborative with all stakeholders to provide a positive school culture. Known for dynamic communication skills, adaptability, reliability, and being detail-oriented.
years of professional experience
Work History
McKinley Elementary School, Burlingame School District
07.2021 - 06.2024
Led a staff of 40+, 575 students; two concurrent programs (traditional English and Dual Language Immersion-Spanish)
Led school through adoption of four new curricula in two years
Began use of multi-lingual accessible platform for parent newsletters (Smore)
Created “New Family Coffees” with PTA board in attendance
Held in-person and virtual principal coffees, monthly
Moved school from zero district-cleared volunteers to 200+ in just over a year, post-Covid closures
Collaborated with Site Council to complete SPSA and Safety Plan
Monitored student behavior and enforced discipline policies.
Led Student of Concern meetings 2-3 times a year with full-support staff and individual teachers to create plans for all students in need of support
Cultivated positive relationships between community members, school students, and teachers.
Collaborated with PTA to bring STEAM carts to classrooms (5 total throughout the campus)
School webmaster and social media manager
Created College and Career Week for all grade levels; concluding with “McKinley College”-a day of electives lead by teachers, and all-school activities.
Introduced year-long themes for staff, students and families woven into meetings, newsletters and activities
Greeted and provided traffic safety support for students before and after school.
Mentored newly hired educators, providing encouragement and feedback.
Created a library of read aloud books with authentic titles (not translated from English) for our Dual Language Immersion teachers/classes
Addressed discipline issues promptly while maintaining fairness; sustaining positive relationships among faculty members.
Supported campus/community through extraordinary times (losing a student to cancer)
Collaborated in designing new TK building to open in Fall 2025; worked with student leaders to get input on new design of playground.
Collaborated with the Parent-Teacher Association to address parent concerns and foster a supportive community for student success.
Created Site Staff Leadership team
Created a student panel to speak with incoming kindergarten families.
Increased positive results of California Healthy Kids Survey based on student responses
Oversaw schedule management and protocols for orientation, registration, and related activities.
Led transition back from remote learning during unprecedented times, ensuring minimal disruption to education.
Coordinated facility upgrades and maintenance, ensuring safe and modern learning environment.
Vice Principal
Fairview Elementary, Hayward Unified School District
08.2019 - 06.2021
Served as an approachable liaison between administration, faculty, parents, and students to ensure effective communication and cooperation within the school community.
Maintained records for school, district, state, and federal requirements.
Oversaw scheduling, orientation, and other support areas.
Evaluated teacher performance through classroom observations, offering constructive feedback for improvement in instructional delivery methods.
Monitored student behavior and enforced discipline policies.
Promoted a safe learning environment by enforcing school policies, addressing bullying issues promptly, and conducting regular safety drills.
Supporting staff, students and families during and through transition to distance learning
Responsible for staff morale and connectivity during distance learning
Responsible for weekly video communication to community
Communicated policies and procedures to students and parents regarding student behavior.
Administered personnel policies and procedures for school faculty and staff.
Cultivated positive relationships between community members, school students, and teachers.
District Level Responsibilities:
Supporting district personnel through investigations and resolutions of formal complaints
Alta Vista Elementary School, Union School District
07.2015 - 06.2017
Provided school leadership to site of 655 students and 50 certificated and classified staff
Supervised the administration and evaluation of state and local testing
Hired and monitored support and teaching staff, assisting with district curriculum, standards and classroom discipline
Implemented grade-level target students to track student achievement and needed supports
Facilitated professional development including: Common Core, Depth of Knowledge and student engagement and district math adoption of Eureka Math, instituting monthly Math PD days for support
Served as school webmaster; coordinated and distributed social media and communication to all stakeholders
Oversaw budgets for school and HSC-sponsored technology
Supported implementation of one-to-one iPads in K/1, Chromebooks in 2nd-5th grades
Initiated and coordinated school-wide programs: Character Day, Smart Start, Global Play Day, Read Across America event (with guests ranging from district personnel, local governmental dignitaries, regional university athletes and local media)
Created and integrated year-long, school-wide themes for staff, students and parents annually (“All Together, Stronger Together”, “There’s a Super Hero in All of Us”)
Created quarterly parent~principal coffees—”Java with Joy”
Initiated vertical articulation of curriculum and student support
Laurelwood Elementary, Santa Clara Unified School District
10.2012 - 06.2015
Provided school leadership to sites of 650+ students and 50+ certificated and classified staffs
Increased Reading Intervention Support
Initiated new programs, including Project Cornerstone and Read Across America
Supervised the administration and evaluation of state and local testing
Opened mild-moderate self-contained classroom for students with Autism and similar diagnoses
Expanded and upgraded technology school-wide by $200,000, including Chromebooks, SMART boards, thin-client lab, document cameras and mounted audio-visual equipment
Worked with Business Offices to create and oversee site budgets
Engaged highly active parent group to support parent involvement/volunteering and fundraising for school programs
Increased Academic Performance Index (API) score from 933 to 946
District Level Responsibilities:
Consulted on educationally-related bond projects
Coordinated and supported planning of district-wide staff development day
Update District Handbook to align with newest Board Policies and district procedures
Assistant Principal
Redwood Middle School, Saratoga Union School District
08.2010 - 06.2012
Created and implemented Staff and Student Handbooks
Initiated school-wide programs and activities
Authored Schools to Watch application
Coordinated state and local assessments
Collaborated with Saratoga-Los Gatos JUHSD to ensure smooth articulation to high school
Vice Principal
Hillview Middle School, Menlo Park Elementary School District
08.2001 - 06.2010
Responsible for student discipline and support
Re-created Student Handbook with input from parents, teachers and students
Implemented master schedule using SASI and PowerSchool; collaborated on staff teaching assignments
Coordinated and planned parent education nights on topics include drug awareness, digital citizenship, and Parent-to-Parent nights with panel and group discussions
Served as administrative representative to: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Site and District Leadership Teams, School Site Council, Administrative Council, Site and District Technology Committees, Tinsley Advisory Committee, and Construction Design Team
Coordinated state and local assessments, including STAR, MARS, and ERB writing
Traits Trainer
01.1997 - 01.2001
Collaborated as district Six
01.1998 - 01.2001
Thomas Fowler, Finn
01.2013 - 01.2014
Apple Teacher
Santa Clara County Office of Education
01.2016 - 01.2017
Certification, Mac, ongoing (with iPad to follow, as well as Common Sense Educator and Google certification program enrollment)
Handle with Care certification, Summer 2022
Cognitive Coaching Training
Superintendent of Burlingame, Chief Procurement Officer
Hero, Chris, Benites
Of LAUSD (current)
FRISK Documentation Model
Association of California School Administrators, Principal’s Academy, Spring 2008
Recipient of California Gold Ribbon Award, March 2016
Focus school for Santa Clara County Office of Education STEAM Symposium, April 2016
NBC Bay Area, Read Across America, 2014
Community Members Gather for Read Across America at Laurelwood Elementary School, Santa Clara Weekly, March
CA Personalized Learning Symposium
CUE Rockstar Administrators
Laurelwood Elementary School Celebrates, City School District
Honorary Service Award, Menlo Park
CUE Rockstar ToSA
Borel Middle School, Foster City School District
01.1995 - 06.2001
Taught sixth and eighth grade ELA and social studies
Created multi-media technology elective; co-authored first Site Technology Plan
Advised and coordinated Student Council
Master of Arts - Educational Administration
San Francisco State University
Administrative Services Credential -
San Francisco State University
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential -
California State University, Northridge
Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies
San Diego State University
Verbal and written communication
Community engagement
Student discipline
Organizational leadership
Organizational management
School administration
School event coordination
Organization and time management
Student and parent relations
Teamwork and collaboration
Awards, Honors, Recognitions
California Gold Ribbon Award, 03/01/16
Focus school for Santa Clara County Office of Education STEAM Symposium, 04/01/16
NBC Bay Area, Read Across America, 2014
Community Members Gather for Read Across America at Laurelwood Elementary School, Santa Clara Weekly, 03/01/14
Laurelwood Elementary School Celebrates Read Across America, Santa Clara Weekly, 03/01/13
Honorary Service Award, Menlo Park City School District, 05/01/05
Unsung Hero, Gentry Magazine, 12/01/05
Noteworthy Technology
Google Apps for Education, Microsoft Applications, Twitter, Instagram, Threads, Remind, Padlet, Quizlet/Kahoot, Smore, SASI, PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, Zoom, iMovie, Canva, School Webmaster (SchoolLoop, SchoolWires, Edlio)
Apple Teacher Certification, Mac, in progress
Canva Certification, in progress
Handle with Care certification, Summer 2022
Cognitive Coaching Training, Santa Clara County Office of Education, 2016-17
CUE Rockstar ToSA, San Francisco, CA, January 2017
CUE Rockstar Administrators, San Rafael, CA, November 2015
Northern CA Personalized Learning Symposium, Fuel Education, Santa Clara, CA, March 2015
Instructional Rounds with Thomas Fowler-Finn, Santa Clara, CA, 2013/2014
FRISK Documentation Model, Santa Clara, CA, Spring 2012
Association of California School Administrators, Principal’s Academy, Spring 2008
Avid sports fan
Baking & cooking
Crafting (scrapbooking, card making, paint by numbers)