Demonstrates strong communication, and teamwork skills, with proven ability to quickly adapt to new environments. Eager to contribute to team success and further develop professional skills. Brings positive attitude and commitment to continuous learning and growth.
Healthy Families Certificate of Completion
Home Health Aide (HHA) Certification, HFM CORE, FAN, Documentation, Family Profile, Supporting Goal Achievement, Culture in Parenting, Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect, Pregnancy, Infant Development, Toddler Development, Domestic Violence Substance Abuse, Trauma Informed Practice Using ASQ and ASQ/SE on home visits, Healthy Sexuality, and Mental Health Using Reflective Practice, PICCOLO.
Additional Training
Understanding dementia, De-escalation techniques/strategies for providers, Re-organizing your time, Racial Equity and organizational change, LGBTQ training, Abuse and Neglect mandated reporting training, fall protocol/fall prevention, Data Security training, Hipaa, ADRD training, Person centered case management certificate program at BU.
Healthy Families Certificate of Completion
Home Health Aide (HHA) Certification, HFM CORE, FAN, Documentation, Family Profile, Supporting Goal Achievement, Culture in Parenting, Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect, Pregnancy, Infant Development, Toddler Development, Domestic Violence Substance Abuse, Trauma Informed Practice Using ASQ and ASQ/SE on home visits, Healthy Sexuality, and Mental Health Using Reflective Practice, PICCOLO.
Additional Training
Understanding dementia, De-escalation techniques/strategies for providers, Re-organizing your time, Racial Equity and organizational change, LGBTQ training, Abuse and Neglect mandated reporting training, fall protocol/fall prevention, Data Security training, Hipaa, ADRD training, Person centered case management certificate program at BU.