Hardworking Job Captain skilled in fostering teamwork and collaboration, ensuring project success while mentoring junior staff. Responsible and well-grounded team player with dozens of successful projects in Healthcare Architecture.
Gary Hartfield, Sr. Medical Planner and Vice President
+817.231.7160 | ghartfield@hksinc.com
Bryan Boggs, Sr. Project Architect
+817.349.4535 | bboggs@hksinc.com
Gregg Teal, Sr. Project Architect and Vice President
+817.231.7153 | gteal@hksinc.com
Douglas Mullen, Sr. Designer and Vice President
+817.231.7163 | dmullen@hksinc.com
Annette Couvillon, Medical Planner
+972.918.5328 | acouvillon@hksinc.com