Work History

Kevin Hosey

El Paso


Seasoned MRI Technologist with success in patient care and providing the absolute highest quality images. Highly proficient in interpreting physicians’ orders, determining appropriate imaging protocols and maintaining comprehensive patient records. Offering 15+ year background to growing organization.


years of professional experience

Work History

MRI Technologist Assistant

SunView Imaging
09.2022 - Current

MRI Technologist for outpatient facility completing approximately 15-20 exams daily. Responsible for calling patients and confirming appointments along with normal day to day tasks associated with medical imaging.

Staff MRI Technologist

The Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus
11.2020 - Current

Staff technologist responsible for daily activities within the MRI department including inpatient and outpatient imaging along with anesthesia cases.

Lead MRI Tech

Mountain View Hospital
06.2020 - 11.2020

Lead MRI Technologist for our department with numerous responsibilities above the normal duties of the Technologist. Including direct interaction with the Radiologists to improve or modify existing protocols, ordering supplies, scheduling of staff and modifying/creating policies and procedures.

Travel MRI Tech for JPS Health Network

AMN Medtravelers
11.2019 - Current
  • Educated patients on procedure details, provided instructions and answered questions to minimize anxiety and improve cooperation.
  • Assisted with all anesthesia cases within the MRI department.
  • Trauma level I center.

Travel MRI Tech For UP Health System

AMN Medtravelers
08.2019 - 11.2020

MRI Technologist for trauma level II hospital with call duties

Travel MRI Technologist

Medstar Washington Hospital Center- Med Travelers
NaN NaN - 08.2019

MRI Technologist at a Trauma Level I facility. Responsible for routine MRI's, Code one (stroke), anesthesia cases and outpatient MRI split up between five MRI scanners within the facility.

MRI Technologist

The Hospitals Of Providence East Campus
09.2017 - 01.2019
  • Reviewed physicians’ orders to determine patients’ medical imaging needs and operated radiologic equipment to capture, develop and produce diagnostic images.

MRI Technologist

Las Palmas Medical Center
12.2014 - 09.2017

Lead MRI Tech with administrative responsibilities. GE 23 software experience.

Contract MRI Technologist

Bermuda Healthcare Services
12.2013 - 11.2014

Lead MRI Tech responsible for day to day operations within a private clinic on the island of Bermuda.  Seimens Espree experience.

Travel MRI Technologist

PRS Health
08.2013 - 12.2013

Travel contract at St. Cloud VA Hospital in St. Cloud, MN. responsible for consulting and applying standard operating procedures for a newly installed MRI suite. Directly collaborated with the resident Neuro-Radiologist to build and implement protocols.

MRI Technologist

Phoebe Putney Health System
01.2011 - 07.2013

Staff MRI Technologist with experience on Siemens Avanto and Espree. Anesthesia applications and advanced cancer screening.

Travel MRI Technologist

Favorite Healthcare Staffing
04.2012 - 08.2012

Travel position at Hennepin County Medical Center in downtown Minneapolis. Philips Achieva 3T and 1.5T experience with advanced neurological MRI applications.

Mobile MRI Technologist

Shared Imaging LLC
08.2005 - 01.2011

Mobile MRI Technologist responsible for QA and IT issues as presented in the field. Trained new staff and also marketed to potential new sites. Handled all issues of the MRI scanner and its patients under limited supervision by a regional manager who was not on site.


Associate of Science - Radiologic Technology

Albany Technical College
Albany, GA


  • Philips, GE and Siemens experienced GE: 6,9,14,16 and 23 software Siemens: Essenza, Symphony, Avanto, Espree Philips: Intera, Acheiva and Ingenia
  • Limited Spanish
  • Experience as Clinical Applications Specialist
  • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills with an extensive background in patient care and safety
  • Proficient in nearly every PACS manufacturer including McKesson, Meditech, EPIC and Cerner


  • Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
  • Certificate in Radiology from American Registry of Radiologic Technologists


MRI Technologist Assistant

SunView Imaging
09.2022 - Current

Staff MRI Technologist

The Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus
11.2020 - Current

Lead MRI Tech

Mountain View Hospital
06.2020 - 11.2020

Travel MRI Tech for JPS Health Network

AMN Medtravelers
11.2019 - Current

Travel MRI Tech For UP Health System

AMN Medtravelers
08.2019 - 11.2020

MRI Technologist

The Hospitals Of Providence East Campus
09.2017 - 01.2019

MRI Technologist

Las Palmas Medical Center
12.2014 - 09.2017

Contract MRI Technologist

Bermuda Healthcare Services
12.2013 - 11.2014

Travel MRI Technologist

PRS Health
08.2013 - 12.2013

Travel MRI Technologist

Favorite Healthcare Staffing
04.2012 - 08.2012

MRI Technologist

Phoebe Putney Health System
01.2011 - 07.2013

Mobile MRI Technologist

Shared Imaging LLC
08.2005 - 01.2011

Travel MRI Technologist

Medstar Washington Hospital Center- Med Travelers
NaN NaN - 08.2019

Associate of Science - Radiologic Technology

Albany Technical College
  • Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
  • Certificate in Radiology from American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
Kevin Hosey